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Re: lynx-dev latest status on java script support?

From: David Woolley
Subject: Re: lynx-dev latest status on java script support?
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2002 07:31:01 +0000 (GMT)

>       As for complaining, forget it.  The folks out there are
> happily cranking their Microsoft systems and saying that they
> read somewhere that JAWS which runs only on Windows and costs up
> to $1500 solves all the worlds problems so just give up and start
> shoveling money.  The game is over.

This is the standard position that marketing people will take; if
there is some technology that allows the blind to access their site,
they will consider they have met any legal obligations for
accessibility.  This will be a moving target, especially as JAWS uses
IE for its scripting support.

>       What I actually think is that limited javascript support

Limited support might cope with Domino, as their way of doing onclicks
with links to the non-existent null fragment (href="#") may not change
enough to make it difficult to extract the real link.  However anything
short of a full IE like object model (full frames support, etc.) is likely
to break for the "creative" designers.  That's a complete re-write, not
limited support.

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