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Re: [Lynx-dev] important improvements

From: Thorsten Glaser
Subject: Re: [Lynx-dev] important improvements
Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2007 19:28:16 +0000 (UTC)

PMM . dixit:

>I also notice weird memory leak when pressing 'V' or backspace for Visited
>Links page and history buffer.
>Just watch how lynx increase its memory when you keep that keys pressed all
>the time.

Yup, here too.

address@hidden dixit:

>>>>> 20070608 14:39 +0200, PBM . >>>>

(your quoting style sucks really hard, man)

>functions like handle_LYK_UP_TWO, handle_LYK_DOWN_TWO, handle_LYK_UP_HALF, 
>handle_LYK_DOWN_HALF from LYMainLoop.c are waste of CPU cycles and disk space, 
>they are not useful at all and should be removed.
>It is very useful to by small steps adjust a screenful. It sometimes
>lets one put all the wanted information at once on the screen.

I first thought like you, but after reading it three times, I think he
only wants to replace these functions by a more generic one?

I for one also want to retain the functionality, but don't care too
much about the implementation (of course smaller = faster = easier
to maintain = better).

I believe no one can invent an algorithm. One just happens to hit upon it
when God enlightens him. Or only God invents algorithms, we merely copy them.
If you don't believe in God, just consider God as Nature if you won't deny
existence.              -- Coywolf Qi Hunt

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