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Re: [Lynx-dev] changing lynx default homepage from the comand line?

From: Karen Lewellen
Subject: Re: [Lynx-dev] changing lynx default homepage from the comand line?
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2019 19:45:34 -0500 (EST)

What I am asking for is a way to *change the site shown when I type lynx* for good, without using the lynx.cfg file.
Since this is not registering,  let me be very specific.
For many years the default site displayed when typing lynx here was google news. For me I could gather things for work, then use the g command to move to different sites.
I am in Canada discovering that
produces something a great deal like the old google news, desiring it to be the site I reach when opening lynx, without having to type the url Presently in fact lur lynx default page produces an error making moving forward sometimes an issue. Still, I am likely the only person needing Canadian news easy to hand regularly. and all of the g files belong to the service manager.
so...the goal is a permanent change to the default one.

On Sat, 16 Nov 2019, Thorsten Glaser wrote:

Karen Lewellen dixit:

I wish to change the site that displays when I type lynx, without impacting the

You can fix that the easiest way by not typing lynx.

This is precisely what you asked for: the command-line way to
solve your request. The startpage is only ever displayed right
after starting lynx, so giving it an URL effectively changes it.


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