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Re: [m17n-list] Broken: m17n devanAgarI on ibus/ uim on mint 18.3 (xfce/

From: Vishvas Vasuki
Subject: Re: [m17n-list] Broken: m17n devanAgarI on ibus/ uim on mint 18.3 (xfce/ cinnamon)
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2018 21:58:21 -0700

( +bcc: m17n-list <address@hidden> as an FYI)

On Sat, Mar 17, 2018 at 6:52 PM, Arun Mahapatra <address@hidden> wrote:
(excluding m17n-list since I am not subscribed to it)

Hello Vishvasji,
I have had good success with fcitx package (https://fcitx-im.org/wiki/Fcitx) and sa-itrans or harvard-kyoto schemes. Been using it on Archlinux (distro specific guide is here: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/fcitx), it should work equally well on other distros too.

​ಧನ್ಯೋಸ್ಮಿ!   धन्योऽस्मि धीमन्!! कृतार्थोऽहम्!

That I can do this much comfortably once again ​is a big deal!

I am using fcitx with cinnamon on mint - and it at least works on firefox (and my new computer is hopefully powerful enough not to sink under the weight of long and multi-tabbed firefox sessions) - ibus wasnt able to do even this (I just retested). I still cant use it with the desktop apps for telegram and whatsapp - so I suppose I'll have to use the web interfaces on firefox. And chrome has known problems with sa-itrans.mim.

I remember not being able to type devanAgarI on intellij idea as well on ubuntu - so did not even try that.

Can you explain your setup? What window manager do you use? what input methods and shortcuts?

It is possible that the input method requires additional plugins (e.g. fcitx-gtk3, fcitx-qt5 in case of fcitx) which are specific to the graphics windows toolkit. These should be installed along with the core package.


On Sat, Mar 17, 2018 at 11:37 PM, विश्वासो वासुकिजः (Vishvas Vasuki) <address@hidden> wrote:

I am having a woeful time setting up devanAgarI typing on my new mint 18.3 machine. I've tried ibus and uim on xfce and cinnamon. My observations:

* I just can't type any devanAgarI in telegram or whatsapp windows on cinnamon + mint (used to work on telegram + cinnamon + ubuntu 17.10). But it works fine on xfce + mint.

* When I can get sa-itrans to work via ibus, space is badly inserted (on any window - xed editor, or whatsapp). for example, I type "pratIxA. idaM nabhasi bhIShaNam" to get "परीक्षा। इदं नभ सि भीषण म्" (note the spurious spaces before si and m). Quite maddening if you're trying to any typing at length.

* UIM+cinnamon never could let me type with sa-itrans schema, even when I selected it in the toolbar applet.

Any tips or alternatives  - please let me know. As a last resort, I am even open to switching to another less-popular but well maintained + updated and free distro where devanAgarI typing works fine.

Vishvas /विश्वासः

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Vishvas /विश्वासः

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