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[Maposmatic-dev] Persian localization of maposmatic

From: IRIman
Subject: [Maposmatic-dev] Persian localization of maposmatic
Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2018 12:44:42 +0330 (IRST)


I'm Iman from Iran :)

I did the translation of maposmatic and ocitysmap on transifex. 

Also on maposmatic wiki I saw that some other localizations for index preparation are needed so I end up with this:

These are the most used words that may appear in street names.

[Words are listed in attached file "street prefixes.txt"]

All of these words come before the street name. for example "خیابان سعیدی" which is "street Saeidi". street means "خیابان" in Persian.

Some notes on this list:

1. These prefixes are always end with space and then another word will appear.

2. There should be some word(s) after these. if one of prefixes apears at the end of name, then it's a part of the main name not a prefix.


1. "خیابانی" is a street name without any prefix while it contains the word "خیابان". It should not interpret as "ی (خیابان)‏". The key for determining this is the space after each prefix. [note 1]

2. "خیابان شهید" should interpret as "شهید (خیابان)‏", although "شهید" itself is in prefixes list. Here we do not have any other word to be come after "شهید". [note 2]

Some other examples:

- "خیابان شهید علی جوادی" should interpret as "علی جوادی (خیابان شهید)‏"

- "شهیدان باکری" should interpret as "باکری (شهیدان)‏" and NOT "ان باکری (شهید)‏". (there isn't space after "شهید")

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 

Some other notes on indexing:

1. In OSM for Iran we use Persian numeral ۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹۰(=1234567890) in name tags and number ordering should be kept for this unicode numbers too. for example ۱  ۲  ۱۰  ۱۱  ۲۲ is a correct order and ۱  ۱۰  ۱۱  ۲  ۲۲ is incorrect, just like 1  2  10  11  22.

2. Persian Alphabet

Letters are listed in file "persian alphabet.txt" in order from first to last.

Note that characters  ة  ء  ئ  ٔ   originally are not part of Persian alphabet but there are some cases we use them. Also arabic  chars  ى  أ  إ  is not from Persian alphabet but by including them we will be sure ordering is perfect.

3. There are some diacritics which should not be considered for ordering. 

They are in file "diacritics in persian.txt"

So اَ which is ( ا + َ  ) is the same as اُ which is ( ا + ُ  )


---------- END OF MY EMAIL :) ----------

Attachment: street prefixes.txt
Description: Text document

Attachment: persian alphabet.txt
Description: Text document

Attachment: diacritics in persian.txt
Description: Text document

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