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New MediaGoblin issue tracking/collaboration tools

From: Ben Sturmfels
Subject: New MediaGoblin issue tracking/collaboration tools
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 2021 22:37:09 +1100
User-agent: mu4e 1.4.15; emacs 27.1

Hi Folks,

I'm currently trialling sourcehut as a possible new issue
tracking/collaboration tool.

Back at our community meeting in May last year, we discussed the need to
replace our current Trac issue tracker. It was/is challenging for new
contributors, not very efficient for maintainers and our deployment has
had ongoing stability issues. Andre van Eyssen has been working to
address some of these stability issues - thanks Andre!

The bigger issue is that at MediaGoblin's current level of activity, we
can't really afford to spend contributor time on dealing with
infrastructure issues. It's a lot of work and not especially rewarding
if, like me, you spend your work days on that kind of thing. ;)

As discussed at the meeting FSF have been working towards recommending a
new forge tool [1]. Their work has been slowly converging and one of the
top three is sourcehut. Given sourcehut have a managed instance and a
strong free software ethic, this may be a good option for us. That said,
I haven't *used* it in anger yet, so I'll be doing that over the next
few weeks. Any feedback or other thoughts are welcome, especially if
you've used this tool.

MediaGoblin on sourcehut:

FSF Forge Evaluation:


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