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Re: [Userops] seeing collections in mediagoblin page

From: Christopher Allan Webber
Subject: Re: [Userops] seeing collections in mediagoblin page
Date: Mon, 04 Jan 2016 08:36:33 -0600

guido writes:

> On 02/01/2016, Lloyd Kvam wrote:
>> (Let me know if this is the wrong list)
>> I setup MediaGoblin for my daughter to handle her new baby pictures.
>> The display works nicely, but it's simply pages pages of thumbnails in
>> reverse chronological order.
>> She started making collections to organize the photos.  However, this
>> had no impact on the display.  Please point me in the right direction to
>> manage how the thumbnails are presented.
> I'm sorry, I don't know how to help you (and haven't really dig into
> the whole template system) but I'm interested in the same thing. If
> you find something, can you please share it on the list.
> Thanks in advance,
> g.

So I guess there's some confusion; address@hidden would be a
better place to put this (this list is for discussion about deployment,
but I understand why it would be confusing given "user" in the
name... should we have a user list?  I feel like things are not high
traffic enough to warrant separating one from devel but I'm not sure),
and even better would be to file a bug if there seems to be an issue on (check to see if there already is one).

Excited to hear of this MediaGoblin usage; it warms my heart whenever I
hear about families using it!

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