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[MIT-Scheme-devel] problem building scheme

From: Matt Birkholz
Subject: [MIT-Scheme-devel] problem building scheme
Date: Tue, 9 Dec 2008 22:27:03 -0700

> From: "Huston Bokinsky" <address@hidden>
> Date: Sat, 6 Dec 2008 02:34:28 -0500
> [...]
> The instructions have me untar the source package, go to ~/src/microcode,
> then run the configure and compile programs.  At this point, there is
> supposed to be a file ~/mit-scheme-native [...] but such a file does
> not exist.

At this point, there should be a src/microcode/scheme executable.
That is your native Scheme machine.  It gets installed as
mit-scheme-native, but in src/microcode/ it is just "scheme".

> I am sure that I am following the instructions correctly, [...]

The instructions need a little fixing.

> 1.  Where is the missing 'native' file, and does the missing one
> differ from the one that is supposed to be deleted from the standard
> binary ~/bin/ directory?

It differs if you built it without X11 or with --enable-debugging or
sump'n.  ?

> 2.  The build instructions say [...]
> Is that 'c' in the middle of mit-scheme-c-20080130 a typo?  [...]

Looks like a typo to me.

> 3.  I have another computer running Ubuntu, for which I can install
> from the package manager a Scheme interpreter.  Is this interpreter
> different from the MIT version?

Most are different.  The one named "MIT/GNU Scheme" is probably VERY
similar. :-}

> Enough so that I should not use it for the exercises in the
> _Structure and Interpretation_ book?

Yes, except for that one named "MIT/GNU Scheme".  If you would like to
use MIT/GNU Scheme on Ubuntu Hardy or Intrepid, you might consider

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