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Re: [MIT-Scheme-devel] Reading command-line arguments from MIT-Scheme.

From: giorgio xyzb
Subject: Re: [MIT-Scheme-devel] Reading command-line arguments from MIT-Scheme.
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2012 20:47:26 +0000

Hello again,

I managed to find a solution, which seems to work.

I have created a file init.scm with the following content:

  (define command-line-args '())

  (define parse-argument-list
    (lambda (arg-list)
      (set! command-line-args
        (if (null? arg-list)
            (cdr arg-list)))))

  (set-command-line-parser! "args" parse-argument-list)

In this way, when the command line option --args is found, the function
parse-argument-list is invoked.

I have loaded this file into the mit-scheme interpreter and saved a world image
( using the procedure

I have then written a shell script (bash) that invokes my main Scheme script as 

  mit-scheme --band "" --interactive --batch-mode --args $* < 

Finally, in my main script I can access the command line arguments through the 


I hope this is the standard / correct way to do this.

Best regards
> Hello,
> a few days ago I have installed MIT Scheme (MIT/GNU Scheme running under 
> Ubuntu 
> Linux 10.04)
> and I have started experimenting with it.
> One thing I would like to do is start a Scheme application from the 
> command-line and pass it some
> parameters, like so:
>  $ mit-scheme myapplication.scm par1 par2 par3
> I have searched the documentation at 
> but I could not find
> any information on this topic.
> I wanted to ask if it is possible to access command-line parameters from 
> MIT-Scheme and how.
> Thank you in advance and best regards
> Giorgio

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