I've been trying to debug a macro that worked under 9.2.1 but fails under 10.90 (76bb84eaa). I've narrowed the problem down to the following reproducible test case:
(define-syntax bar
(lambda (exp env)
(let ((bindings (let ((sc (close-syntax (cadr exp) env)))
(list sc sc))))
`(let* (,bindings)
(define-syntax bat
(syntax-rules ()
((_ body ...)
(let ((md 'quux))
(bar md)))))
;; Under 9.2.1:
;; 1 ]=> (pp (lambda () (bat x)))
;; (lambda ()
;; (let ((md 'quux))
;; (let ((md md))
;; 'x)))
;; ;Unspecified return value
;; 1 ]=>
;; Under 10.90 (76bb84eaa):
;; 1 ]=> (pp (lambda () (bat x)))
;; (lambda ()
;; (let ((.md.1-0 'quux))
;; (let ((.md.2-1 md))
;; 'x)))
;; ;Unspecified return value
;; 1 ]=>
Note that the expansion under 10.90 means that (bat x) will fail because the variable md will be unbound.
Is this a bug in macro expansion in 10.90, or was there a bug in 9.2.1 that caused my macro to work there? Or am I hopelessly confused?