The real point here is that I think ECS could be adapted from the
C/C++ game community as a cache friendly way of doing OO (without
doing traditional OO). Think Scheme "uniform vectors".
-------- Forwarded Message --------
My attempt to understand the meaning of
Sander Mertens avatar on Github
messageNotUnderstood :)
Sander Mertens' avatar is Darth Vader maniacally pouring water
from the ocean into a water pitcher, to filter it, somewhat
puzzlingly. My message on MIT Scheme was related to the old MIT
OCW Courseware 6.001 (the new one is in Python, blech) picture
where man was devolving, until ultimately reaching being a caveman
in front of a terminal.
My understanding is that it is similar to the "peaches meme" in
American folk music, where even eating peaches from a PETE jar
injecting plasticizers into one's bloodstream can improve brain
health. The note I found on the fridge was a joke I tried to play
my spouse about a tree squirrel that lives next to our house, who
has a better diet and more solidly constructed house than ours,
who we affectionately call "Sneaky Pete". She was skeptical that
Pete the Squirrel, not PETE the container, put the note their.
Ultimately, ECS seems like a way to save energy and improve
things. Sorry if this is a bit dense of a topic. I'm really just
glad we touched base on all the other important things in ECS. I
don't want to throw away CLOS or SOS just yet, though.