I was using mit-scheme 12.1 to solve Project Euler Problem 10. The code I wrote is pasted below. The call to (solve 2000000) at the REPL does take more than 10 seconds on my laptop (In fact I always had to CTRL+C after a while). Once I compile the file and then load the compiled .com file, it takes less than 2 seconds for the correct answer to show up in the REPL. Why is there such a huge discrepancy between interpreted code and compiled code?
(define (is_prime a)
(define (loop_a b c)
(cond ((> c a) #t)
((= 0 (remainder a b)) #f)
(else (let* ((d (+ b 2))
(e (* d d)))
(loop_a d e)))))
(cond ((< a 2) #f)
((< a 4) #t)
((even? a) #f)
(else (loop_a 3 9))))
(define (solve a)
(define (loop_a b c)
(cond ((< b a) (let ((d (is_prime b))
(e (+ b 2))
(f (+ b c)))
(cond (d (loop_a e f))
(else (loop_a e c)))))
(else c)))
(cond ((< a 3) 0)
(else (loop_a 3 2))))
(solve 2000000)