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Re: [MIT-Scheme-users] floating-vector-ref? prmpnt.scm

From: Scott Ballantyne
Subject: Re: [MIT-Scheme-users] floating-vector-ref? prmpnt.scm
Date: Wed, 02 Mar 2005 01:28:31 -0500

On Thu, 2005-02-24 at 20:19, Scott Ballantyne wrote:
> I've been trying to load the prmpnt.scm file into 7.7.1 so I can
> play with the picture language from SCIP, but I get an error:
> 1 ]=> (load "psgo")
> ;Loading "psgo.scm"
> ;Loading "" -- done
> ;Unbound variable: floating-vector-ref
> I am afraid I don't know how to fix this. Could someone pass me a clue?

Well, no one passed me a clue, but I managed to bumble my way through to
a working solution on my own. If anyone is interested, I have a version
of the Picture Language that works very nicely with 7.7.1 (only tested
on Unix). It requires a small patch to the scheme source code.  Is there
a place to put this sort of thing for people to find?  It would be nice
if there were, since the code that is on the SICP web site doesn't work
at all.

I've also updated the code so that it is consistent with the description
in SICP.

I am curious, it seems that I need to increase the constant space when I
run this code. Are the image files stored in this area? 


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