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Re: [Mldonkey-users] the more popular girl seems to keep avoiding me

From: Goswin Brederlow
Subject: Re: [Mldonkey-users] the more popular girl seems to keep avoiding me
Date: 14 Jan 2003 17:44:32 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) XEmacs/21.4 (Military Intelligence)

lenny bruce <address@hidden> writes:

> ed2k:743918774:3B4B6688283A47929E027C160D6394FE has 2708 sources on
> jigle
> but my download has been stuck at 69% for at least five days now...
> whereas ed2k:714856448:5640F0B46457B1ED070C8B8E9933205B has 792
> sources on jigle

Did you check the last_seen column in the gui? Or the availability?

After a few minutes I have 70% availability of the file and many many
sources for each block (thats available).

Such availability graphs normaly only appear if everyone has the same
blocks and noone has the missing blocks. Nobody has the missing chunks
so it will never finish.

The last_seen should be 100d even after days if the file is realy
broken. If last_seen is smaller than the age of the file the chunks
are just rare or the file became incomplete while you where
downloading it.

If you don't get any good sources for a file realy lower your
max_sources_per_file for a while to flush out old sources or remove
all sources from the file.ini. Might help to give it a fresh list of


PS: I realy thing this file is broken. There are just too many sources with the 
same chunks missing.

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