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[Mldonkey-users] Issues with the gui (in 2.02-5, 2.02-4,2.02-3..all ver

From: Pere Castañer Sardà
Subject: [Mldonkey-users] Issues with the gui (in 2.02-5, 2.02-4,2.02-3..all versions of mldonkey cvs)
Date: 21 Jan 2003 20:30:36 +0100

I can't remain the gui connected to mldonkey client more than 5 seconds.
I've read FAQ and all docs about it and I don't understand why I can
connect with the gui.

The message is:
add romm user
Exception Failure("float_of_string") in decode/exec

and disconnects automatically. Some tip for this? I'm sure that is not a

PD:with gui2 I can connect, and of course with browser.
PDD:What about upstats? Is now solved in cvs?

thanks for your time.

" vida es una tormenta, joven amigo. Estás bajo el sol tranquilamente y
de pronto te lanza a las rocas. Lo que te convierte en hombre es tu conducta
cuando llega la tormenta, tienes que mirar a esa tormenta, y gritar: haced
lo que sea, que yo haré lo mio."
Pere Castañer Sardà -
Computer Science Student on UOC -
Linux Registered User #232073 
Debian/GNU User -

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