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[Mldonkey-users] Feature Request (actually more than one request)

From: João Correia
Subject: [Mldonkey-users] Feature Request (actually more than one request)
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2003 17:59:06 -0000

Hello all

        Before I make the feature request (wich i post here because i know 
of no other "appropriate" channel to do so), i would like to remember the 
dev team of a post i made a while back, wich i dont know if it was read or 
not by them, regarding rare files spreading. It basically implied asking the
servers we were connected every one or two hours for the availability of the
files we have shared. That way we could adapt our upload slots (maybe
reserving one or two) for files with little or no availability. 
This would be self adaptive, that is, if a file would start to spread well, 
mldonkey would automagically favour less spread files. This might imply 
a rare_file_threshold option (or not, maybe the program could do so on his
own) that would stipulate what was considered rare and what was common
(eg: file_A has 10 sources, file_B has 800. Lets give 8 out of 10 slots
for file_A over file_B) Of course, if we only had requests for file_B that
would be the one to get all slots.

        Sorry if I am being a pain in the rear end with this, but i honestly
think its a good features with few drawbacks. And we would help spread
rare files, increasing mldonkey importance on the network.

        Now, about that feature request.

        I use mldonkey with a friend of mine. We use the same core program, 
and we both access it (ie, we use the same download list). How about a 
message board in the webgui to leave short msgs to other ppl using the 
same mldonkey?
        I would also like to have several login/password pairs to access
the program either with the gui or the webgui. (I see this in the TODO
list, so why not do it now? :) – Ok, I know there are more important
things to do but… oh well)

        And the most important feature request, a waiting_for_download 
list. I mean, between the both of us, me and my friend have about 
200/300 files downloading. (We have a 4xT1 line). We would like to add 
files to a separate list (not yet downloading or searching for sources) and 
to have files from that list being added to the normal download list as soon 
as a file finishes downloading or as soon as the download list drops below 
a certain number of files. This would favour a more automatic mldonkey
usage. A person could add 30 or 40 vacations movies to the waiting_list,
and they would be added one at a time to the download list automatically,
that way keeping the number of files downloading below a reasonable level.
Since mldonkey uses so much overhead when asking for sources, connecting
to servers, so on, if we have fewer actively downloading files we would
have less overhead and (probably and hopefully) faster download rates.

        I hope i made some sense.

        Thank you all for your time,
        Joao Correia.

        If I didn’t made any sense, just ignore this mail ☺.


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