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Re: [Mldonkey-users] Error on 2.5.3

From: André Heßling
Subject: Re: [Mldonkey-users] Error on 2.5.3
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2003 17:51:54 +0200

On Thu, 25 Sep 2003 09:53:51 -0500
Rod Jenkins <address@hidden> wrote:

> I am trying to upgrade to 2.5.3.
> When I start mlnet, I get the following output:
> Resolving [] ...cannot handle file '' with TLS data
> I am running red hat 9.
> Thanks,
> rod.


This might solve your problem:

I've included it below.

Howto Solve the glibc/rpm Catch-22
February 21, 2003
Tony Perrie

After running rpm today, I was greeted with this lovely message:
"Cannot handle file '' with TLS data". I reasoned that this
was due to the fact that I updated a cadre of RPMs earlier in the
week. I found that it actually stems from the fact that I updated
glibc without updating the rpm package itself (the package that
contains the rpm command). So, since the rpm installer was busted, how
do you update the rpm package? A classic "Catch-22" problem that the
famous Steve Fox knew how to solve. There's a little known command
installed with rpm called rpm2cpio that can dump the files from an rpm
wherever you tell it. Here's how I fixed it.

I downloaded the following files to ~/rpmdir:


Then, I installed the elfutils and rpm packages at the root directory
aka '/'.

trogdor> cd /
trogdor> sudo rpm2cpio ~hoyhoy/rpmdir/rpm-*  ~hoyhoy/rpmdir/elfutils-*
| sudo cpio -ivd
trogdor> sudo rm -f /var/lib/rpm/__db.00*
trogdor> sudo ldconfig
trogdor> cd ~/rpmdir
trogdor> sudo rpm -Uvh *.rpm
trogdor> sudo rpm -rebuilddb

Regards, André

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