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Discunted 0EM Micros0ft, Ad0be, Autodesk, C0rel s0ftwarre from Rushing's

From: Darwin Alexander
Subject: Discunted 0EM Micros0ft, Ad0be, Autodesk, C0rel s0ftwarre from Rushing's St0re
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 2004 03:32:40 -0400

L0ok|ng f0r cheeap high-qual|ty s0ftware?douce
We m|ght have just whatt you need.downstate

QuickB00ks 2oo4 Prem|er Edit|on..............$12omolybdenite
N0rton Internet Secur|ty Pr0 2oo4..............$5oroughish
Ahead NE|R0 6.3 P0WERPACK..............$6odegenerate
W|nFax Pr0 10.03..............$4osliver
SYMANTEC pcANYWHERE 11.0..............$6odissuade
Ad0be Prem|ere Pr0 7.0..............$14osparkman
Ad0be Ph0toshop Elements 2.0..............$4ochurch
Ad0be Illustrat0r CS /full new vers|on..............$1oobarony
Ad0be InDes|gn CS /full new vers|on..............$1ooglass
Qu|cken 2oo4 Premier H0me & Biz..............$4obespoke
Macr0media Studio MX 2oo4..............$18oaffront
MS W|ndows XP Pr0fess|onal..............$8odante
N0rton Ant|virus 2oo4 Pr0fess|onal..............$4oanyone
Ad0be Ph0toshop 7.0..............$6obellow
M|cros0ft 0ffice XP Pr0fess|onal..............$1oocommunal
M|cros0ft 0ffice 2oo3 Pr0fess|onal..............$12oharrington
M|cros0ft M0ney 2oo4 Standard..............$2otuba
MS W|ndows 2oo0 Pr0fess|onal..............$8ocompendium
Ad0be Ph0toshop CS..............$1ooapprehend
Ad0be Pagemaker 7.0..............$9ogiven
Ad0be Illustrat0r 10..............$9omiss
C0rel Draw Graph|cs Su|te 11..............$8opink
Ad0be Acr0bat 6.0 Pr0fess|onal..............$15ocole
B0rland Delphi 7 Pr0fess|onal..............$12obarbarism
V|sual Stud|0.Net Enterpr|se Arch|techt..............$22ocallus
MS SQL Server 2oo0 Enterpr|se..............$12oeven
MS W|nd0ws Server 2oo3 Enterpr|se..............$18ohalstead
MS W|nd0ws 2oo0 Server..............$7ofadeout
Red Hat L|nux 7.3..............$2ohomecoming

And now the pr|ces are lowed! Checkk |t!scrub

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