# # # patch "README" # from [b3d1260c089c40bf15a5eb7b4b303d42bf688299] # to [5cd255837ca357a22153c84d00106f29d9ebb976] # ============================================================ --- README b3d1260c089c40bf15a5eb7b4b303d42bf688299 +++ README 5cd255837ca357a22153c84d00106f29d9ebb976 @@ -50,6 +50,11 @@ version of Qt such as 4.1.0 consider updating to a later version. Apparently in 4.1.4 the problem is gone. +* If you like to build on windows, you only have to get an running + version of QT 4.1.x. Please see at Trolltech for assistance for + setting up a version. After that get the source of guitone und run + qmake in it. Runing your make-tool and guitone is build. + Authors =======