# # # patch "monotone.texi" # from [47888c3b49f8c6c639a0863d38a66f8b81051f2c] # to [a8df9f203fdb7e085d607f7123b6889f1aafee0f] # ============================================================ --- monotone.texi 47888c3b49f8c6c639a0863d38a66f8b81051f2c +++ monotone.texi a8df9f203fdb7e085d607f7123b6889f1aafee0f @@ -4994,6 +4994,31 @@ @section Key and Cert Trust Monotone would trust a cert on that revision with that value signed by those keys. address@hidden mtn ssh_agent_export + +This command will export your private key in a format that ssh-agent +can read (PKCS8, PEM). You will be asked for your current key's password +and a new password to encrypt the key with. The key will be printed to +stdout. Once you have put this key in a file simply add it to ssh-agent +and you will only have to enter your key password once as ssh-agent +will cache the key for you. + address@hidden address@hidden +$ mtn ssh_agent_export > ~/.ssh/id_monotone +enter passphrase for key ID [user@@example.com]: +enter new passphrase for key ID [user@@example.com]: +confirm passphrase for key ID [user@@example.com]: +$ chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_monotone +$ ssh-agent /bin/bash +$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_monotone +Enter passphrase for /home/user/.ssh/id_monotone: +Identity added: /home/user/.ssh/id_monotone (/home/user/.ssh/id_monotone) +$ mtn ci -m"Changed foo to bar" +$ mtn push address@hidden group address@hidden smallexample + @end ftable