# # # patch "mac/readme-mac.txt" # from [fab197cab20c2e665cd7c27ad91b22f851c44c67] # to [d38060ebf5689a59ba2466ff2370b0111287c934] # ============================================================ --- mac/readme-mac.txt fab197cab20c2e665cd7c27ad91b22f851c44c67 +++ mac/readme-mac.txt d38060ebf5689a59ba2466ff2370b0111287c934 @@ -1,10 +1,17 @@ Steps to build a distributable OS X dmg: 1) Install the prerequisites listed in INSTALL, be sure to build gettext so that translations work. Static libraries should be built for libintl.a and the Boost libraries, and they need to be built as universal binaries. +Make also sure you've TeX installed, as we're bundling a PDF version +of the monotone documentation later on. The easiest way to install TeX +on Mac OS X is using the gwTeX i-Install package; further instructions for +this can be found here: http://ii2.sourceforge.net/tex-index.html. +After installation the all the needed binaries can be found in +/usr/local/gwTeX/bin/i386-apple-darwin-current. + At the time of writing Macports doesn't build these as universal binaries. 2) Configure it (changing paths appropriately):