# # # patch "debian/control" # from [676fd2187984f213964f79ff6a1e4fdf12dd6e78] # to [cfa3f35b30f77c2408c435e0837120ea91a6c2e9] # ============================================================ --- debian/control 676fd2187984f213964f79ff6a1e4fdf12dd6e78 +++ debian/control cfa3f35b30f77c2408c435e0837120ea91a6c2e9 @@ -17,9 +17,3 @@ Description: visualize a monotone reposi using the GTK+ and libgnomecanvas libraries (via LablGTK, an OCaml binding for GTK+), and it uses the dot program from the Graphviz package. - . - This package is built from a combination of the following monotone - branches: - . - net.venge.monotone-viz - the main development branch - net.venge.monotone-viz.debian-diff - the debian changes