# # # patch "wiki/InterfacesFrontendsAndTools.mdwn" # from [3d1050f3d75ab91b4923da39dfd1ae2d0d55c1b2] # to [175f472d50b0c60d8bc815025ec4472b8a702f05] # ============================================================ --- wiki/InterfacesFrontendsAndTools.mdwn 3d1050f3d75ab91b4923da39dfd1ae2d0d55c1b2 +++ wiki/InterfacesFrontendsAndTools.mdwn 175f472d50b0c60d8bc815025ec4472b8a702f05 @@ -17,14 +17,13 @@ * **[mtsh](http://mtn-host.prjek.net/projects/mtsh/)**: GTK+ wrapper for monotone focusing on working copy operations -- add, drop, revert, rename, commit, update, diff, and browsing. Has a mechanism for per-file commit comments. *(This is a bit old and very much unmaintained.)* * **Usher**: A server manager that can be used to serve several projects on the same IP/port, starting and stopping servers as needed. In branch `net.venge.monotone.contrib.usher`. * **[meld](http://meld.sf.net)**: a general diff, merge, and history browsing tool written in [Python](http://python.org) for [Gnome](http://gnome.org). Has monotone support since 1.1.3. - * **shell completion**: monotone ships with completion scripts for both bash and zsh, in the `contrib/` directory of monotone's source tree. Latest versions for [bash](http://viewmtn.angrygoats.net/fileinbranch.psp?branch=net.venge.monotone&path=contrib/monotone.bash_completion) and [zsh](http://viewmtn.angrygoats.net/fileinbranch.psp?branch=net.venge.monotone&path=contrib/monotone.zsh_completion) (via viewmtn). + * **shell completion**: monotone ships with completion scripts for both bash and zsh, in the `contrib/` directory of monotone's source tree. Latest versions for [bash](http://viewmtn.angrygoats.net/branch/head/file/net.venge.monotone/contrib/monotone.bash_completion) and [zsh](http://viewmtn.angrygoats.net/branch/head/file/net.venge.monotone/contrib/monotone.zsh_completion) (via viewmtn). * "**dumb server**" support, for publishing repositories via ordinary ftp/http/sftp/local filesystem: in branch [net.venge.monotone.dumb](http://viewmtn.angrygoats.net/branch/changes/net.venge.monotone.dumb). * **[m7](http://www.midwinter.com/~lch/programming/m7/)**: Experimental drop-in command-line wrapper for monotone. Adds simple local version numbers (no longer using certs) and an enhanced annotate front-end. * **monotree**: Java app for browsing and visualizing history; more portable than monotone-viz. In branch `net.venge.monotone.contrib.monotree`. * **[RSCM::Monotone](http://rscm.rubyforge.org/classes/RSCM/Monotone.html)**: a [Ruby](http://www.ruby-lang.org/) interface to monotone. - * **monotone-import.pl**: A script to ease importing other people's source distributions into a monotone branch, useful for tracking "vendor branches" and the like. In `contrib/` directory of monotone's source tree. [Latest version](http://viewmtn.angrygoats.net/fileinbranch.psp?branch=net.venge.monotone&path=contrib/monotone-import.pl) (via viewmtn). - * **monotone-notify.pl**: A script to watch a monotone repository and, for example, send emails on commits. In `contrib/` directory of monotone's source tree. [Latest version](http://viewmtn.angrygoats.net/fileinbranch.psp?branch=net.venge.monotone&path=contrib/monotone-notify.pl) (via viewmtn). - * **ciabot_monotone.py**: A notification script for [CIA](http://cia.navi.cx). In `contrib/` directory of monotone's source tree. [Latest version](http://viewmtn.angrygoats.net/fileinbranch.psp?branch=net.venge.monotone&path=contrib/ciabot_monotone.py) (via viewmtn). + * **monotone-notify.pl**: A script to watch a monotone repository and, for example, send emails on commits. In `contrib/` directory of monotone's source tree. [Latest version](http://viewmtn.angrygoats.net/branch/head/file/net.venge.monotone/contrib/monotone-notify.pl) (via viewmtn). + * **ciabot_monotone.py**: A notification script for [CIA](http://cia.navi.cx). In `contrib/` directory of monotone's source tree. [Latest version](http://viewmtn.angrygoats.net/branch/head/file/net.venge.monotone/contrib/ciabot_monotone.py) (via viewmtn). * Script for **importing maildir-format mailboxes** to monotone, for offline reading and syncing: [on the list](http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/monotone-devel/2005-09/msg00234.html). * **[Wireshark](http://www.wireshark.org)**: a fantastic network traffic analyzer, that has support for decoding monotone's 'netsync' protocol. * **[Apso](http://aleph0.info/apso/)**: A system for encrypting version control system repositories/databases (currently a prototype; the first version control system supported is Monotone). @@ -41,7 +40,10 @@ # Integrated development environments * **[PIDA](http://pida.berlios.de/)**: Integrated development environment supporting Monotone (among others) + * **[Eclipse](http://eclipse.org)**: Well known, extremely pluggable IDE, with plugins e.g. for [Darcs](http://eclipsedarcs.org/doku.php) or [other VCs](http://www.eclipse.org/community/team.php).
+ Development of a Monotone plugin called `MTTeam` has begun. There doesn't seem to be a webpage yet, but a [mailinglist](http://mail.siliconcircus.com/mailman/listinfo/mtteam-devel). + ## merge tools When you do a merge in monotone, and run into conflicts, it will automatically start up a nice @@ -60,7 +62,6 @@ out of the box. # Other programs that *should* be taught to work with monotone, but haven't been * [Commit Tool](http://repo.or.cz/w/hgct.git) or (h)gct is a GUI enabled commit tool...It allows the user to view diffs, select which files to committed (or ignored / reverted) write commit messages and perform the commit itself. (python) - * [Eclipse](http://eclipse.org) -- a well known, extremely pluggable IDE. Might be useful to look at the [Darcs plugin](http://eclipsedarcs.org/doku.php) or [other](http://www.eclipse.org/community/team.php) existing VCS plugins. (java) * [IDEA](http://www.jetbrains.com IntelliJ) is a commercial java IDE with strong support for analysis and refactoring, and an open plugin API allowing integration of new version control systems. Derek Scherger [claims](http://www.mail-archive.com/address@hidden/msg05443.html) to have fiddled with a monotone plugin. Someone on the [IntelliJ Community Wiki](http://intellij.org) claimed to be developing a monotone plugin, but did not want to publish the source yet. * "git-cvsserver": some crazy people have written a perl script that implements a usable subset of cvs's network protocol, backed against a git repo. the mapping is bidirectional, so people who like cvs, can do both checkout and *commit* using cvs, and it shows up in git. There is no reason this could not be taught to work against a monotone backend. `git clone http://mirrors.catalyst.net.nz/git/gitcvs.git/` * Xcode, the Apple Mac OS X IDE