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[Monotone-commits-diffs] net.venge.monotone.levitte.permissions-directo

From: code
Subject: [Monotone-commits-diffs] net.venge.monotone.levitte.permissions-directories: 83c0403c272c27635da26e4802bb5f24e00ebf08
Date: Wed, 29 Dec 2010 14:48:06 GMT

revision:            83c0403c272c27635da26e4802bb5f24e00ebf08
date:                2010-12-29T14:47:39
author:              Richard Levitte <address@hidden>
branch:              net.venge.monotone.levitte.permissions-directories
These changes implement an extension of the standard permissions hooks to
also read permission files from the directories `read-permissions.d' and
`write-permissions.d' that reside in the same directory as the usual
permissions files `read-permissinons' and `write-permissions'.

*, The Lua extensions `mkdir', `exists',
  `isdir' and `read_directory' are moved from to, to be made available for Lua hooks.
  Quite honestly, there are probably more functions that could be moved to
  be made available for more than just the tester scripts.
* std_hooks.lua: get_netsync_(read|write)_permitted were renamed to the
  same name with an underscore as prefix, and new functions that would
  feed the old one with `(read|write)-permissions' and then all files in
  `(read|write)_permissions.d' were created.
  Extra care was taken with get_netsync_read_permitted, where a certain
  amount of state needed to be passed along between calls.

One test was changed accordingly.

* test/netsync_permissions/closed/write-permissions: Renamed to
  `tests/netsync_permissions/closed/write-permissions.d/tester' to see
  that `get_netsync_write_permitted' would catch it anyway.
* tests/netsync_permissions/closed/read-permissions: Part of this file was
  moved to `tests/netsync_permissions/closed/read-permissions.d/tester'.
* tests/netsync_permissions/__driver__.lua: Modified to place new
  permissions in
  `tests/netsync_permissions/closed/read-permissions.d/tester-by-hash' and

format_version "1"

new_manifest [f4b5ad66d12c5634169675ca0bbbbfc25ca502c5]

old_revision [b12aab0da6c572a6773bb816686d753e63b32975]

rename "tests/netsync_permissions/closed/write-permissions"
    to "tests/netsync_permissions/closed/write-permissions.d/tester"

add_dir "tests/netsync_permissions/closed/read-permissions.d"

add_dir "tests/netsync_permissions/closed/write-permissions.d"

add_file "tests/netsync_permissions/closed/read-permissions.d/tester"
 content [b9bae8e35f085049ddfa0cfe92308a79998ad6d0]

patch ""
 from [b22b5f7fa127055e909280379694c1635f4923ff]
   to [288a571d7c91fbb4abffb66611b52aac74889aa2]

patch "std_hooks.lua"
 from [c97901eafc09c1ae80f7f33425761c1ea06a6929]
   to [b1a61ba83a6e8c0c9d72393aaf0e86089b75464d]

patch ""
 from [adb12440ea0b944027ea7f8eb35e06acbce2bcce]
   to [969901c130b3d7701a780802dbc73061bafbe57d]

patch "tests/netsync_permissions/__driver__.lua"
 from [a0632f717c1fff69661ccc56516bcae93e3b3de8]
   to [8a675ebd2b67064a295f5143b2159580d1028ac9]

patch "tests/netsync_permissions/closed/read-permissions"
 from [2164855b160ba5bfa19257d29dc4e820becc5459]
   to [eff21031c117b085855d3a6220dfb95f3e000efa]
--- std_hooks.lua	c97901eafc09c1ae80f7f33425761c1ea06a6929
+++ std_hooks.lua	b1a61ba83a6e8c0c9d72393aaf0e86089b75464d
@@ -1078,46 +1078,51 @@ end
-function get_netsync_read_permitted(branch, ident)
-   local permfile = .. "/read-permissions", "r")
+function _get_netsync_read_permitted(branch, ident, permfilename, state)
+   if not exists(permfilename) or isdir(permfilename) then
+      return false
+   end
+   local permfile =, "r")
    if (permfile == nil) then return false end
    local dat = permfile:read("*a")
    local res = parse_basic_io(dat)
    if res == nil then
-      io.stderr:write("file read-permissions cannot be parsed\n")
-      return false
+      io.stderr:write("file "..permfilename.." cannot be parsed\n")
+      return false,"continue"
-   local matches = false
-   local cont = false
+   state["matches"] = state["matches"] or false
+   state["cont"] = state["cont"] or false
    for i, item in pairs(res)
       -- legal names: pattern, allow, deny, continue
       if == "pattern" then
-         if matches and not cont then return false end
-         matches = false
-         cont = false
+         if state["matches"] and not state["cont"] then return false end
+         state["matches"] = false
+         state["cont"] = false
          for j, val in pairs(item.values) do
-            if globish_match(val, branch) then matches = true end
+            if globish_match(val, branch) then state["matches"] = true end
-      elseif == "allow" then if matches then
+      elseif == "allow" then if state["matches"] then
          for j, val in pairs(item.values) do
             if val == "*" then return true end
             if val == "" and ident == nil then return true end
             if ident ~= nil and val == then return true end
             if ident ~= nil and globish_match(val, then return true end
-      end elseif == "deny" then if matches then
+      end elseif == "deny" then if state["matches"] then
          for j, val in pairs(item.values) do
             if val == "*" then return false end
             if val == "" and ident == nil then return false end
             if ident ~= nil and val == then return false end
             if ident ~= nil and globish_match(val, then return false end
-      end elseif == "continue" then if matches then
-         cont = true
+      end elseif == "continue" then if state["matches"] then
+         state["cont"] = true
          for j, val in pairs(item.values) do
-            if val == "false" or val == "no" then cont = false end
+            if val == "false" or val == "no" then 
+	       state["cont"] = false
+	    end
       end elseif ~= "comment" then
          io.stderr:write("unknown symbol in read-permissions: " .. .. "\n")
@@ -1127,8 +1132,29 @@ end
    return false
-function get_netsync_write_permitted(ident)
-   local permfile = .. "/write-permissions", "r")
+function get_netsync_read_permitted(branch, ident)
+   local permfilename = get_confdir() .. "/read-permissions"
+   local permdirname = permfilename .. ".d"
+   local state = {}
+   if _get_netsync_read_permitted(branch, ident, permfilename, state) then
+      return true
+   end
+   if isdir(permdirname) then
+      local files = read_directory(permdirname)
+      table.sort(files)
+      for _,f in ipairs(files) do
+	 pf = permdirname.."/"..f
+	 if _get_netsync_read_permitted(branch, ident, pf, state) then
+	    return true
+	 end
+      end
+   end
+   return false
+function _get_netsync_write_permitted(ident, permfilename)
+   if not exists(permfilename) or isdir(permfilename) then return false end
+   local permfile =, "r")
    if (permfile == nil) then
       return false
@@ -1145,6 +1171,21 @@ end
    return matches
+function get_netsync_write_permitted(ident)
+   local permfilename = get_confdir() .. "/write-permissions"
+   local permdirname = permfilename .. ".d"
+   if _get_netsync_write_permitted(ident, permfilename) then return true end
+   if isdir(permdirname) then
+      local files = read_directory(permdirname)
+      table.sort(files)
+      for _,f in ipairs(files) do
+	 pf = permdirname.."/"..f
+	 if _get_netsync_write_permitted(ident, pf) then return true end
+      end
+   end
+   return false
 -- This is a simple function which assumes you're going to be spawning
 -- a copy of mtn, so reuses a common bit at the end for converting
 -- local args into remote args. You might need to massage the logic a
---	adb12440ea0b944027ea7f8eb35e06acbce2bcce
+++	969901c130b3d7701a780802dbc73061bafbe57d
@@ -313,22 +313,6 @@ LUAEXT(copy_recursive, )
-LUAEXT(mkdir, )
-  try
-    {
-      char const * dirname = luaL_checkstring(LS, -1);
-      do_mkdir(dirname);
-      lua_pushboolean(LS, true);
-      return 1;
-    }
-  catch(recoverable_failure & e)
-    {
-      lua_pushnil(LS);
-      return 1;
-    }
 LUAEXT(make_temp_dir, )
@@ -367,88 +351,6 @@ LUAEXT(mtime, )
-LUAEXT(exists, )
-  try
-    {
-      char const * name = luaL_checkstring(LS, -1);
-      switch (get_path_status(name))
-        {
-        case path::nonexistent:  lua_pushboolean(LS, false); break;
-        case path::file:
-        case path::directory:    lua_pushboolean(LS, true); break;
-        }
-    }
-  catch(recoverable_failure & e)
-    {
-      lua_pushnil(LS);
-    }
-  return 1;
-LUAEXT(isdir, )
-  try
-    {
-      char const * name = luaL_checkstring(LS, -1);
-      switch (get_path_status(name))
-        {
-        case path::nonexistent:
-        case path::file:         lua_pushboolean(LS, false); break;
-        case path::directory:    lua_pushboolean(LS, true); break;
-        }
-    }
-  catch(recoverable_failure & e)
-    {
-      lua_pushnil(LS);
-    }
-  return 1;
-  struct build_table : public dirent_consumer
-  {
-    build_table(lua_State * st) : st(st), n(1)
-    {
-      lua_newtable(st);
-    }
-    virtual void consume(const char *s)
-    {
-      lua_pushstring(st, s);
-      lua_rawseti(st, -2, n);
-      n++;
-    }
-  private:
-    lua_State * st;
-    unsigned int n;
-  };
-LUAEXT(read_directory, )
-  int top = lua_gettop(LS);
-  try
-    {
-      string path(luaL_checkstring(LS, -1));
-      build_table tbl(LS);
-      read_directory(path, tbl, tbl, tbl);
-    }
-  catch(recoverable_failure &)
-    {
-      // discard the table and any pending path element
-      lua_settop(LS, top);
-      lua_pushnil(LS);
-    }
-  catch (...)
-    {
-      lua_settop(LS, top);
-      throw;
-    }
-  return 1;
 LUAEXT(get_source_dir, )
   lua_pushstring(LS, source_dir.c_str());
--- tests/netsync_permissions/__driver__.lua	a0632f717c1fff69661ccc56516bcae93e3b3de8
+++ tests/netsync_permissions/__driver__.lua	8a675ebd2b67064a295f5143b2159580d1028ac9
@@ -116,13 +116,13 @@ check(get("closed"))
 -- setup by-hash line in permissions files
-writeperm = readfile("closed/write-permissions")
-writeperm = writeperm .. byhash_hash .. "\n"
-writefile("closed/write-permissions", writeperm)
+writefile("closed/write-permissions.d/tester-by-hash", byhash_hash.."\n")
-readperm = readfile("closed/read-permissions")
-readperm = readperm .. 'allow "' .. byhash_hash .. '"\n'
-writefile("closed/read-permissions", readperm)
+readperm = readfile("closed/read-permissions.d/tester")
+readperm = readperm .. 'continue "yes"\n'
+writefile("closed/read-permissions.d/tester", readperm)
+       'pattern "*"\nallow "' .. byhash_hash .. '"\n')
 -- general setup
--- tests/netsync_permissions/closed/read-permissions	2164855b160ba5bfa19257d29dc4e820becc5459
+++ tests/netsync_permissions/closed/read-permissions	eff21031c117b085855d3a6220dfb95f3e000efa
@@ -1,5 +1,2 @@ deny "*"
 pattern "badbranch"
 deny "*"
-pattern "*"
-allow "address@hidden"
---	b22b5f7fa127055e909280379694c1635f4923ff
+++	288a571d7c91fbb4abffb66611b52aac74889aa2
@@ -14,7 +14,9 @@
 #include <cstdlib>
 #include "platform.hh"
+#include "sanity.hh"
+using std::string;
 using std::malloc;
 using std::free;
@@ -185,6 +187,106 @@ LUAEXT(get_pid, )
   return 1;
+// fs extensions
+LUAEXT(mkdir, )
+  try
+    {
+      char const * dirname = luaL_checkstring(LS, -1);
+      do_mkdir(dirname);
+      lua_pushboolean(LS, true);
+      return 1;
+    }
+  catch(recoverable_failure & e)
+    {
+      lua_pushnil(LS);
+      return 1;
+    }
+LUAEXT(exists, )
+  try
+    {
+      char const * name = luaL_checkstring(LS, -1);
+      switch (get_path_status(name))
+        {
+        case path::nonexistent:  lua_pushboolean(LS, false); break;
+        case path::file:
+        case path::directory:    lua_pushboolean(LS, true); break;
+        }
+    }
+  catch(recoverable_failure & e)
+    {
+      lua_pushnil(LS);
+    }
+  return 1;
+LUAEXT(isdir, )
+  try
+    {
+      char const * name = luaL_checkstring(LS, -1);
+      switch (get_path_status(name))
+        {
+        case path::nonexistent:
+        case path::file:         lua_pushboolean(LS, false); break;
+        case path::directory:    lua_pushboolean(LS, true); break;
+        }
+    }
+  catch(recoverable_failure & e)
+    {
+      lua_pushnil(LS);
+    }
+  return 1;
+  struct build_table : public dirent_consumer
+  {
+    build_table(lua_State * st) : st(st), n(1)
+    {
+      lua_newtable(st);
+    }
+    virtual void consume(const char *s)
+    {
+      lua_pushstring(st, s);
+      lua_rawseti(st, -2, n);
+      n++;
+    }
+  private:
+    lua_State * st;
+    unsigned int n;
+  };
+LUAEXT(read_directory, )
+  int top = lua_gettop(LS);
+  try
+    {
+      string path(luaL_checkstring(LS, -1));
+      build_table tbl(LS);
+      read_directory(path, tbl, tbl, tbl);
+    }
+  catch(recoverable_failure &)
+    {
+      // discard the table and any pending path element
+      lua_settop(LS, top);
+      lua_pushnil(LS);
+    }
+  catch (...)
+    {
+      lua_settop(LS, top);
+      throw;
+    }
+  return 1;
 // Local Variables:
 // mode: C++
 // fill-column: 76
--- /dev/null	
+++ tests/netsync_permissions/closed/read-permissions.d/tester	b9bae8e35f085049ddfa0cfe92308a79998ad6d0
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+pattern "*"
+allow "address@hidden"

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