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[Monotone-commits-diffs] net.venge.monotone: e1346a75af4692c50ad8a00112

From: code
Subject: [Monotone-commits-diffs] net.venge.monotone: e1346a75af4692c50ad8a00112a4e4190abd588b
Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2011 10:13:13 +0100 (CET)

revision:            e1346a75af4692c50ad8a00112a4e4190abd588b
date:                2011-03-07T15:14:50
author:              Richard Levitte <address@hidden>
branch:              net.venge.monotone
merge of 'cb17b041806a9b9a44d545ae8a665eba793ebafb'
     and 'deb35826681755bcfca0e8b8a8afdfb8afd6bb88'

format_version "1"

new_manifest [e9378eb8fe9ccff8461de374465cabf07501ecb6]

old_revision [cb17b041806a9b9a44d545ae8a665eba793ebafb]

delete "contrib/mtn_makepermissions"

old_revision [deb35826681755bcfca0e8b8a8afdfb8afd6bb88]

patch "INSTALL"
 from [f273e5a0e29dbebf4d5ff71909d61b4dd616dd7a]
   to [3ae95cf7a59bc52ae8caf0e99ab3f30013130ee4]
--- contrib/mtn_makepermissions	4e026c5a17e341b54b45f6712bffa5a6e9c05219
+++ /dev/null	
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/perl
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Pod::Usage;
-use File::Spec::Functions qw(:ALL);
-my $VERSION = '0.1';
-# User options
-my $help = 0;
-my $man = 0;
-my $user_config = "/etc/monotone";
-my $quiet = 0;
-my $debug = 0;
-my $monotone = "mtn";
-GetOptions('help|?' => \$help,
-	   'man' => \$man,
-	   'config|s=s' => \$user_config,
-	   'quiet' => \$quiet,
-	   'debug' => \$debug,
-	   'monotone=s' => \$monotone) or pod2usage(2);
-$SIG{HUP} = \&my_exit;
-$SIG{KILL} = \&my_exit;
-$SIG{TERM} = \&my_exit;
-$SIG{INT} = \&my_exit;
-# Respond to user input
-# For starters, output help if requested
-pod2usage(1) if $help;
-pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if $man;
-# Read the directories "read-permissions.d" and "write-permissions.d"
-# and concatenates all files found there into "read-permissions" and
-# "write-permissions", respectively.
-my @files_to_clean_up = ();
-my $d = "read-permissions";
-if (opendir D,catdir($user_config,$d.".d")) {
-    if (open OUT_PERM,">".catdir($user_config,$d)) {
-	foreach my $d2 (sort readdir D) {
-	    # Skip over file names starting with ., following Unix standards
-	    if ( $d2 !~ m/^\./ ) {
-		open IN_PERM,catfile($user_config,$d.".d",$d2);
-		while (<IN_PERM>) {
-		    print OUT_PERM $_;
-		}
-		print OUT_PERM "\n";
-		close IN_PERM;
-	    }
-	}
-	close OUT_PERM;
-    }
-    closedir D;
-# Since write-permissions is just a list of keys, we collect them all,
-# make them unique and sort them before writing.  Neater that way.
-$d = "write-permissions";
-if (opendir D,catdir($user_config,$d.".d")) {
-    if (open OUT_PERM,">".catdir($user_config,$d)) {
-	my %lines = ();
-	foreach my $d2 (sort readdir D) {
-	    # Skip over file names starting with ., following Unix standards
-	    if ( $d2 !~ m/^\./ ) {
-		open IN_PERM,catfile($user_config,$d.".d",$d2);
-		while (<IN_PERM>) {
-		    chomp;
-		    $lines{$_} = 1;
-		}
-		close IN_PERM;
-	    }
-	}
-	print OUT_PERM join("\n", sort keys %lines), "\n";
-	close OUT_PERM;
-    }
-    closedir D;
-# Clean up.
-# Subroutines
-# my_log will simply output all it's arguments, prefixed with "Notify: ",
-# unless $quiet is true.
-sub my_log
-    if (!$quiet && $#_ >= 0) {
-	print STDERR "Makepermissions: ", join("\nMakepermissions: ",
-					       split("\n",
-						     join('', @_))), "\n";
-    }
-# my_errlog will simply output all it's arguments, prefixed with "Makepermissions: ".
-sub my_errlog
-    if ($#_ >= 0) {
-	print STDERR "Makepermissions: ", join("\nMakepermissions: ",
-					       split("\n",
-						     join('', @_))), "\n";
-    }
-# my_error will output all it's arguments, prefixed with "Makepermissions: ", then die.
-sub my_error
-    my $save_syserr = "$!";
-    if ($#_ >= 0) {
-	print STDERR "Makepermissions: ", join("\nMakepermissions: ",
-					       split("\n",
-						     join('', @_))), "\n";
-    }
-    die "$save_syserr";
-# debug will simply output all it's arguments, prefixed with "DEBUG: ",
-# when $debug is true.
-sub my_debug
-    if ($debug && $#_ >= 0) {
-	print STDERR "DEBUG: ", join("\nDEBUG: ",
-				     split("\n",
-					   join('', @_))), "\n";
-    }
-# my_system does the same thing as system, but will print a bit of debugging
-# output when $debug is true.  It will also die if the subprocess returned
-# an error code.
-sub my_system
-    my $command = shift @_;
-    my_debug("'${command}'\n");
-    my $return = system($command);
-    my $exit = $? >> 8;
-    die "'${command}' returned with exit code $exit\n" if ($exit);
-    return $return;
-# my_conditional_system does the same thing as system, but will print a bit
-# of debugging output when $debug is true, and will only actually run the
-# command if the condition is true.  It will also die if the subprocess
-# returned an error code.
-sub my_conditional_system
-    my $condition = shift @_;
-    my $command = shift @_;
-    my $return = 0;		# exit code for 'true'
-    my_debug("'${command}'\n");
-    if ($condition) {
-	$return = system($command);
-	my $exit = $? >> 8;
-	die "'${command}' returned with exit code $exit\n" if ($exit);
-    } else {
-	my_debug("... not actually executed.\n");
-    }
-    return $return;
-# my_exit removes temporary files and then exits.
-sub my_exit
-    my_log("cleaning up.");
-    unlink @files_to_clean_up;
-    my_log("all done.");
-    exit(0);
-# my_backtick does the same thing as backtick commands, but will print a bit
-# of debugging output when $debug is true.  It will also die if the subprocess
-# returned an error code.
-sub my_backtick
-    my $command = shift @_;
-    my_debug("\`$command\`\n");
-    my @return = `$command`;
-    my $exit = $? >> 8;
-    if ($exit) {
-	my_debug(map { "> ".$_ } @ return);
-	die "'${command}' returned with exit code $exit\n";
-    }
-    return @return;
--- INSTALL	f273e5a0e29dbebf4d5ff71909d61b4dd616dd7a
+++ INSTALL	3ae95cf7a59bc52ae8caf0e99ab3f30013130ee4
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ 1. prerequisites:
         on openSUSE:
             install the following extra packages with YaST or zypper:
-              autoconf automake gettext-tools gcc-g++ boost-devel zlib-devel
+              autoconf automake gettext-tools gcc-c++ boost-devel zlib-devel
               libbotan-devel sqlite3-dev pcre-devel lua-devel libidn-devel
               libbz2-devel texinfo make

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