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[Monotone-commits-diffs] net.venge.monotone.issue-76: 179f2eb95ee8c2a8c

From: code
Subject: [Monotone-commits-diffs] net.venge.monotone.issue-76: 179f2eb95ee8c2a8c32fb161c4faf1d7d8b1daf6
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2011 21:20:31 +0200 (CEST)

revision:            179f2eb95ee8c2a8c32fb161c4faf1d7d8b1daf6
date:                2011-03-29T14:35:10
author:              Richard Hopkins <address@hidden>
branch:              net.venge.monotone.issue-76
Extra checks for revert_in_two_parent_workspace

We now check stdout to make sure only the files we expect have been
reverting, as well as check the contents afterwards.

In addition, we check which revision the workspace should now be based off
and if there no changes. The base revision should be the one we reverted
to, and there should be no changes. This currently fails on line 50, with
the base revision check. I do not know why yet, as it seems to think the
base revision is "right", instead of "left".

Performing the same sequence of steps manually in a different terminal
session, all works correctly and the base revision is "left".

format_version "1"

new_manifest [97488f0ef442c59594db1ba2887b040ba99a073c]

old_revision [0feba3db0538bac41baca2edaaeb0a0193a6c13e]

patch "test/func/revert_in_two_parent_workspace/__driver__.lua"
 from [08bd4f51be1973fa6d9ba03cda93b099a5598fd0]
   to [e2f37acc249da644bfae3bc5e2f7b8b46cd3c420]
--- test/func/revert_in_two_parent_workspace/__driver__.lua	08bd4f51be1973fa6d9ba03cda93b099a5598fd0
+++ test/func/revert_in_two_parent_workspace/__driver__.lua	e2f37acc249da644bfae3bc5e2f7b8b46cd3c420
@@ -40,13 +40,15 @@ check(grep("-v", "detected at", "stderr"
 -- now lets revert back to a proper revision - and check the workspace
 -- contents
-check(mtn("revert", ".", "-r", left), 0, nil, true)
+check(mtn("revert", ".", "-r", left), 0, nil, "mtn: reverting testfile\n")
 check(samelines("testfile", { "left", "ancestor" } ))
 check(samelines("otherfile", { "modified too" } ))
--- TODO: file contents are fine - now lets check if the book keeping is
--- correct by running "mtn status" and "mtn ls changed" - there should
+-- file contents are fine - now lets check if the book keeping is
+-- correct by running "mtn ls changed" - there should
 -- be no changes
+check(mtn("au", "get_base_revision_id"), 0, left .. "\n", false)
+check(mtn("ls", "changed"), 0, nil, false)

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