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[Monotone-commits-diffs] net.venge.monotone: 872cbbe65c64dd0e036dca178ea

From: code
Subject: [Monotone-commits-diffs] net.venge.monotone: 872cbbe65c64dd0e036dca178ea2e62242cf126c
Date: Sun, 19 Feb 2012 22:20:20 +0100 (CET)

revision:            872cbbe65c64dd0e036dca178ea2e62242cf126c
date:                2012-02-19T18:55:16
author:              Richard Hopkins <address@hidden>
branch:              net.venge.monotone
Add basic_io syntax highlighting for Vim

Place the file inside your '~/.vim/syntax/'. You can then issue

:set filetype=basicio

anytime to enable syntax highlighting. Alternatively, you can use

au BufNewFile,BufRead {read,write}-permissions set filetype=basicio

inside '~/.vim/ftdetect/basicio.vim' to automatically enable syntax
highlighting for 'read-permissions' and 'write-permissions'.

format_version "1"

new_manifest [b5dcc4d996dc956d73645f9bf3d6e6ebeb926538]

old_revision [377d75d780a12a552941539f2e6a6e8d609fadb7]

add_file "contrib/basicio.vim"
 content [ff652790f22fb5e3421c0b70b5c45d6c8d470d3b]
--- /dev/null	
+++ contrib/basicio.vim	ff652790f22fb5e3421c0b70b5c45d6c8d470d3b
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+" Syntax highlighting for monotone basic_io format 
+" used by 'read-permissions', and 'write-permissions'
+" Set up keywords and patterns we want to highlight
+syn match basicIOSymbol /[a-z_]*/
+syn region basicIOString start=+"+  skip=+\\\\\|\\"+  end=+"+
+syn match basicIOHexID /\[[a-fA-F0-9]*\]/
+" Set up sane default highlighting links, such as basicIOString->String
+hi def link basicIOSymbol	Keyword
+hi def link basicIOString	String
+hi def link basicIOHexID	Identifier

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