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[myexperiment-hackers] [2307] trunk: altered comment delete permissions

From: noreply
Subject: [myexperiment-hackers] [2307] trunk: altered comment delete permissions to admins, curators and those that can edit the object that the comment relates to
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2009 08:31:28 -0500 (EST)

2009-11-27 08:31:27 -0500 (Fri, 27 Nov 2009)

Log Message

altered comment delete permissions to admins, curators and those that can edit the object that the comment relates to

Modified Paths


Modified: trunk/app/controllers/workflows_controller.rb (2306 => 2307)

--- trunk/app/controllers/workflows_controller.rb	2009-11-27 12:09:35 UTC (rev 2306)
+++ trunk/app/controllers/workflows_controller.rb	2009-11-27 13:31:27 UTC (rev 2307)
@@ -90,10 +90,7 @@
   def comment_delete
     if params[:comment_id]
       comment = Comment.find(params[:comment_id].to_i)
-      # security checks:
-      if comment.user_id == and comment.commentable_type.downcase == 'workflow' and comment.commentable_id ==
-        comment.destroy
-      end
+      comment.destroy if Authorization.check(:action ="" 'destroy', :object => comment, :user => current_user)
     respond_to do |format|

Modified: trunk/app/views/comments/_comment.rhtml (2306 => 2307)

--- trunk/app/views/comments/_comment.rhtml	2009-11-27 12:09:35 UTC (rev 2306)
+++ trunk/app/views/comments/_comment.rhtml	2009-11-27 13:31:27 UTC (rev 2307)
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 		<td style="text-align: right; padding-right: 1em;">
-			<% if logged_in? and comment.user_id == %>
+      <% if Authorization.check(:action ="" 'destroy', :object => comment, :user => current_user) %>
 					<%= link_to_remote( "delete",

Modified: trunk/lib/authorization.rb (2306 => 2307)

--- trunk/lib/authorization.rb	2009-11-27 12:09:35 UTC (rev 2306)
+++ trunk/lib/authorization.rb	2009-11-27 13:31:27 UTC (rev 2307)
@@ -46,6 +46,77 @@
+  def self.user_is_administrator?(user)
+    return false if user.nil?
+    if user.instance_of?(User)
+      Conf.admins.include?(user.username)
+    else
+      Conf.admins.include?(User.find(user).username)
+    end
+  end
+  def self.user_is_curator?(user)
+    return false if user.nil?
+    if user.instance_of?(User)
+      Conf.curators.include?(user.username)
+    else
+      Conf.curators.include?(User.find(user).username)
+    end
+  end
+  # Single entry point to authorisation checks for instances of objects and
+  # also classes of objects.
+  #
+  # Options:
+  #
+  # :action      - This string describes the action to be performed, e.g.
+  #                'create', 'read', 'update' or 'destroy'.
+  #
+  # :object      - This is the object being acted upon, e.g. an instance of a
+  #                Comment or an instance of a Workflow.
+  #
+  # :object_type - As an alternative to an instance of an object, you can
+  # :object_id     specify the type and id instead and this might not cause
+  #                the object to be loaded into memory.
+  #
+  # :model       - If the action is performed on a class of objects, such as
+  #                creating a Workflow, then specify the class of the object
+  #                to be acted upon instead of an instance.  This is a class
+  #                object, e.g. Workflow.
+  #
+  # :user        - The user that the check is with respect to.  Typically,
+  #                this would be current_user.
+  #
+  # :context     - This is the context in which the object or object to be
+  #                created is made.  For example, pack entries can only be
+  #                created by those that can edit the pack that the entry will
+  #                be made in, so the context here would be an instance of the
+  #                pack in question.  This is only usually required for
+  #                'create' actions.
+  def self.check(opts = {})
+    raise "Missing action in authorisation check" if opts[:action].nil?
+    if opts[:model].nil? && opts[:object].nil? && (opts[:object_type].nil? || opts[:object_id])
+      raise "Missing object / model in authorisation check"
+    end
+    if opts[:model]
+      Authorization.is_authorized_for_type?(opts[:action], opts[:model], opts[:user], opts[:context])
+    else
+      if opts[:object]
+        Authorization.is_authorized?(opts[:action], nil, opts[:object], opts[:user])
+      else
+        Authorization.is_authorized_for_type?(opts[:action], opts[:object_type], opts[:object_id], opts[:user])
+      end
+    end
+  end
   def Authorization.is_authorized_for_type?(action, object_type, user, context)
     # This method deals with cases where there is no instantiated object to
@@ -322,8 +393,14 @@
       when "Comment"
         case action
           when "destroy"
-            # only the user who posted the comment can delete it
-            is_authorized = Authorization.is_owner?(user_id, thing_instance)
+            # the user who posted the comment can delete it, also anyone that
+            # can edit the object the comment relates to.  adminstrators and
+            # curators can also delete comments.
+            is_authorized = Authorization.is_owner?(user_id, thing_instance) ||
+              Authorization.check(:action ="" 'edit', :object => thing_instance.commentable, :user => user_id) ||
+              user_is_administrator?(user_id) || user_is_curator?(user_id)
           when "view"
             # user can view comment if they can view the item that this comment references 
             is_authorized = Authorization.is_authorized?('view', thing_instance.commentable_type, thing_instance.commentable_id, user)

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