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Re: [Nel] prb to paint and export patch under 3DSMAX

From: Robert Bjarnason
Subject: Re: [Nel] prb to paint and export patch under 3DSMAX
Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2002 14:43:33 -0800

Hi Neuser,

njp> ok now you say i have to lauch nel tile utility plugin but i m not able 
able to find anywhere
njp> i only have a tile_edit.exe , so i launch it.
njp> i make a a land , add one tile and add 1 texture ( 128 * 128 in 24 bit and 
TGA uncompressed format ) 
njp> i save all in c:\temp , set absolute patch and copie image1 in c:\temp

njp> Ok i do the link between tile_edit and nel_painter ?

The NeL Tile Bank plugin is in the Utilities section
of the 3D max menus (where the little hammer is).  You
find NeL Tile Bank under NeL Tools if you go into "Configure
Button Sets".  You click on the NeL Tile Bank and then
you click on "Click to choose a bank..." in the
parameters rollout, then you select the Bank you
just created with tile_edit.exe.  Then you can paint
using your textures.

njp> ok i need help here !!

I'm not familiar with LigoScape but to export the
painted zone file you go into the NeL Export in
the Utilities menu's and select Export model
to save you Patch/Zone.  Then you have to weld,
light and create PACS collistion info for your
zones before you can use them in a client application.

Warm regards,

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