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Re: [Nel] (no subject)

From: Loic Dachary
Subject: Re: [Nel] (no subject)
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2002 14:24:37 +0100

address@hidden writes:
 > I got the Nel/Nelns/Snowballs sources off of Loic's site, and they
 > compile fine, however everything segfaults instantly when I run it.
 > Nothing's dumping core (and I don't know if (how) I can make it dump
 > core), but perhaps some straces might help?
 > Also, Loic, the *.debs wouldn't run. I've uninstalled them, but will
 > reinstall if you'd like me to report  the error messages on this woody
 > box.

        The packages are not reported to run on testing (woody) as of now.
However, I see no obstacle in theory. You will get verbose error messages
instead of a dry Abort if you re-compile without the --without-logging
(see in debian/rules).

        Please let us know what happens ;-)


Loic   Dachary  address@hidden
12 bd  Magenta      address@hidden
75010    Paris         T: 33 1 42 45 07 97          address@hidden
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