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RE: [Nel] Fw: NELNs Login_service

From: Martin
Subject: RE: [Nel] Fw: NELNs Login_service
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2003 14:11:40 -0000

Can you send the actual compilation error/progress (copy-paste) from vc or whatever you using, also send a shoot or text of your lib compilations settings.


You probably just have something wrong with your headers and/or libbs.




-----Original Message-----
From: address@hidden [mailto:address@hidden On Behalf Of Jonathan Allen
Sent: den 19 juni 2003 00:17
To: address@hidden
Subject: [Nel] Fw: NELNs Login_service




I'm having trouble on the compilation of the login_service in NelNS on Win2k.

I'm getting mysql_com.h errors and winsock.h errors when attempting the copmilation,

I think I had the same error before, but I got rid of it, but, typically, I cant remember how,

any1 have any suggestions?



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