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Re: [Nethack-el-devel] Troubles

From: Istvan Marko
Subject: Re: [Nethack-el-devel] Troubles
Date: Tue, 01 Apr 2003 15:02:04 -0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.090017 (Oort Gnus v0.17) Emacs/21.3.50 (gnu/linux)

Faux_Pseudo <address@hidden> writes:

> --<-(Istvan Marko <address@hidden> leyos tos loyos emiv apo O epistol)->--
>> > 3) Copied nethack-3.4.1/winlisp.h to nethack-3.4.1/include/winlisp.h
>> Why was this needed? I don't remember having to do this...
> Because if I didn't then the following lines would fail:
>       grep -n winlisp.h enh-341.patch
>       57:+++ nethack/include/winlisp.h        2002-01-10 19:54:20.000000000 
> -0800
>       136:+#include "winlisp.h"
>       197:+winlisp.o: ../win/lisp/winlisp.c $(HACK_H) ../include/winlisp.h \
>       209:+   ../include/winlisp.h
>       540:+#include "winlisp.h"

What is the exact command you use to patch? I did:

tar xzf nethack-341.tgz
cd nethack-3.4.1
patch -p1 -s <~/tmp/nethack-el/enh-341.patch

Using enh-341.patch from the current CVS version of nethack-el (ran a
cvs update just now to make sure it hasn't changed)

It has applied cleanly.

>> If you enable the tty interface in the same binary then you have to
>> tell nethack to use the lisp interface as it will default to tty.
>> NETHACKOPTIONS=windowtype:lisp
> Without compiling if I set that in my NETHACKOPTIOINS I get the
> following:
>          Window type lisp not recognized.  Choices are:
>                 tty
>          Hit return to continue: 
> So I go hunting through the code and find this in the src/Makefile and
> in the enh-341.pathc
>    # libraries for lisp port

Yes, this is normal. Since winlisp just reads and writes stdin and
stdout it doesn't need any special libs.

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