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[Nethack-el-devel] Hey bro, found this site

From: Alfredo Johnson
Subject: [Nethack-el-devel] Hey bro, found this site
Date: Sat, 18 Feb 2006 00:32:11 +0800

Finally the real thing- no more ripoffs! Enhancment Patches are hot right now, 
VERY hot! Unfortunately, most are cheap imitiations and do very little to 
increase your size and stamina. Well this is the real thing, not an imitation! 
One of the very originals, the absolutely strongest Patch available, anywhere!

A top team of British scientists and medical doctors have worked to develop the 
state-of-the-art Pen1s Enlargment Patch delivery system which automatically 
increases pen1s size up to 3-4 full inches. The patches are the easiest and 
most effective way to increase your size. You won't have to take pills, get 
under the knife to perform expensive and very painful surgery, use any pumps or 
other devices. No one will ever find out that you are using our product. Just 
apply one patch on your body and wear it for 3 days and you will start noticing 
dramatic results.

Millions of men are taking advantage of this revolutionary new product - Don't 
be left behind!

As an added incentive, they are offering huge discount specials right now, 
check out the site to see for yourself!

Here's the link to check out!

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