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[Nmh-commits] CVS: nmh/man Makefile.in,1.14, anno.man,1.6,1.6.2.
From: |
Jon Steinhart <address@hidden> |
Subject: |
[Nmh-commits] CVS: nmh/man Makefile.in,1.14, anno.man,1.6, install-mh.man,1.5, nmh.man,1.5, send.man,1.7, whatnow.man,1.6, |
Date: |
Fri, 28 Feb 2003 14:08:38 -0500 |
Update of /cvsroot/nmh/nmh/man
In directory subversions:/tmp/cvs-serv6328/nmh/man
Modified Files:
Tag: RELEASE_1_1
Makefile.in anno.man install-mh.man nmh.man send.man
Log Message:
Merged in changes from main branch. There are two classes of changes:
improved attachment handing for originating messages, and hooks that
provide an interface that allows external programs to to synchronize
a database with the contents of mail folders.
Index: Makefile.in
RCS file: /cvsroot/nmh/nmh/man/Makefile.in,v
retrieving revision 1.14
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -r1.14 -r1.14.2.1
*** Makefile.in 19 Jan 2001 21:22:08 -0000 1.14
--- Makefile.in 28 Feb 2003 19:08:36 -0000
*** 54,59 ****
MAN1SRC = ali. anno. burst. comp. \
dist. flist. flists. folder. folders. \
! forw. inc. mark. mh-chart. nmh. \
! mhbuild. mhl. mhlist. mhmail. \
mhn. mhparam. mhpath. mhshow. \
mhstore. msgchk. msh. \
--- 54,59 ----
MAN1SRC = ali. anno. burst. comp. \
dist. flist. flists. folder. folders. \
! forw. inc. install-mh. mark. mh-chart. \
! nmh. mhbuild. mhl. mhlist. mhmail. \
mhn. mhparam. mhpath. mhshow. \
mhstore. msgchk. msh. \
*** 70,74 ****
MAN8SRC = ap. conflict. dp. fmtdump. \
! install-mh. mh-mts. post.
MAN1 := $(MAN1SRC:.=.$(manext1))
--- 70,74 ----
MAN8SRC = ap. conflict. dp. fmtdump. \
! mh-mts. post.
MAN1 := $(MAN1SRC:.=.$(manext1))
Index: anno.man
RCS file: /cvsroot/nmh/nmh/man/anno.man,v
retrieving revision 1.6
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -r1.6 -r1.6.2.1
*** anno.man 25 Jan 2001 21:15:52 -0000 1.6
--- anno.man 28 Feb 2003 19:08:36 -0000
*** 16,19 ****
--- 16,25 ----
.RB [ \-inplace " | " \-noinplace ]
.RB [ \-date " | " \-nodate ]
+ .RB [ \-draft ]
+ .RB [ \-append ]
+ .RB [ \-list ]
+ .RB [ \-delete ]
+ .RB [ \-number
+ .IR [ num ]]
.RB [ \-version ]
.RB [ \-help ]
*** 23,28 ****
.B Anno
! annotates the specified messages in the named folder using
! the field and body.
Usually, annotation is performed by the commands
--- 29,48 ----
.B Anno
! manipulates header fields or
! .I annotations
! in messages.
! Header fields consist of a field name and an optional field body
! as defined by RFC-2822.
! The
! .B -component
! option specifies the field name, and the
! .B -text
! option specifies the field body.
! .PP
! The messages are either the
! .I msgs
! in the named folder, or the draft if invoked with the
! .B -draft
! option.
Usually, annotation is performed by the commands
*** 49,52 ****
--- 69,79 ----
body annotation.
+ By default,
+ .B anno
+ prepends the annotations to the message.
+ Annotations are instead appended if the
+ .B -append
+ option is specified.
+ .PP
If a
.B \-component
*** 58,63 ****
will prompt the user for the name of field for the annotation.
! The field specified should be a valid 822-style message field name,
! which means that it should consist of alphanumerics (or dashes) only.
The body specified is arbitrary text.
--- 85,90 ----
will prompt the user for the name of field for the annotation.
! The field specified must be a valid 2822-style message field name,
! which means that it may only consist of alphanumerics and dashes,
The body specified is arbitrary text.
*** 68,72 ****
.B \-noinplace
.fc ^ ~
--- 95,137 ----
.B \-noinplace
! .PP
! The
! .B -list
! option produces a listing of the field bodies for header fields with
! names matching the specified component, one per line.
! The listing is numbered, starting at 1, if the
! .B -number
! option is also used.
! A tab character separates the number and the field body.
! The field body is treated as if it is a file name, and only the final
! path name component is listed.
! The complete field body is listed if the
! .B -text
! option is used, the contents of the text are ignored.
! .PP
! The
! .B -delete
! option removes header fields from messages.
! The first header field whose name matches the component is deleted if
! no other options are specified.
! If the
! .B -text
! option is used in conjunction with the
! .B -delete
! option, the first header field whose name matches the component and
! whose body matches the text is deleted.
! The text is treated as if it was a file name; if it begins with a
! slash, the entire field body must match the text, otherwise just the
! last path name component of the field body must match.
! If the
! .B -number
! option is used in conjuction with the
! .B -delete
! option, header field
! .I num
! whose name matches the component is deleted.
! The number matches that which is produced by the
! .B -list
! option.
.fc ^ ~
Index: install-mh.man
RCS file: /cvsroot/nmh/nmh/man/install-mh.man,v
retrieving revision 1.5
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -r1.5 -r1.5.2.1
*** install-mh.man 25 Jan 2001 21:15:54 -0000 1.5
--- install-mh.man 28 Feb 2003 19:08:36 -0000
*** 9,14 ****
.HP 5
! .B %libdir%/install\-mh
.RB [ \-auto ]
.RB [ \-version ]
.RB [ \-help ]
--- 9,15 ----
.HP 5
! .B install\-mh
.RB [ \-auto ]
+ .RB [ \-check ]
.RB [ \-version ]
.RB [ \-help ]
*** 21,35 ****
for a first\-time
.B nmh
! user. It is typically invoked by other
! .B nmh
! commands, and should NOT be directly invoked by the user.
! When a user runs any
! .B nmh
! program for the first time, the program will invoke
! .B install\-mh
! (with the `\-auto' switch) to query the user for the initial
! .B nmh
! environment. The user is asked
for the name of the directory that will be designated as the user's
.B nmh
--- 22,33 ----
for a first\-time
.B nmh
! user.
! .B Install\-mh
! lives in two places for historical reasons.
! The \fB\-auto\fP option does things as automatically as possible and
! makes \fBinstall\-mh\fP less chatty.
! .PP
! The user is asked
for the name of the directory that will be designated as the user's
.B nmh
*** 37,48 ****
asked if it should be created. Normally, this directory should be
under the user's home directory, and has the default name of
! .RI \*(lq Mail/ \*(rq.
! After
! .B install\-mh
! has written the initial
.I \&.mh\(ruprofile
! for the user, control returns to the original
! .B nmh
! program.
As with all
--- 35,43 ----
asked if it should be created. Normally, this directory should be
under the user's home directory, and has the default name of
! \fI``Mail''\fP.
! .B Install\-mh
! writes an initial
.I \&.mh\(ruprofile
! for the user.
As with all
*** 50,56 ****
.B install\-mh
! first consults the
! environment variable to determine the user's home directory.
--- 45,53 ----
.B install\-mh
! first checks for the existence of the \fB$MH\fP environment variable
! since that gives the profile path if set.
! If it isn't set, the
! environment variable is consulted to determine the user's home directory.
*** 66,69 ****
--- 63,71 ----
If found, this will be used to initialize the new
.IR \&.mh\(ruprofile .
+ .PP
+ The \fB\-check\fP option can be used to check whether or not nmh has
+ been installed.
+ This can be used by other programs to determine whether or not nmh has
+ been installed without their having to know the internals of nmh.
Index: nmh.man
RCS file: /cvsroot/nmh/nmh/man/nmh.man,v
retrieving revision 1.5
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -r1.5 -r1.5.2.1
*** nmh.man 25 Jan 2001 21:15:57 -0000 1.5
--- nmh.man 28 Feb 2003 19:08:36 -0000
*** 45,48 ****
--- 45,49 ----
.IR \&.profile ,
.IR \&.login ,
+ .IR \&.bashrc ,
.I \&.cshrc
*** 50,54 ****
manual entry for the shell you use, in case you don't know how to
do this.) Run the
! .B inc
command. If you've never used
.B nmh
--- 51,55 ----
manual entry for the shell you use, in case you don't know how to
do this.) Run the
! .B install-mh
command. If you've never used
.B nmh
Index: send.man
RCS file: /cvsroot/nmh/nmh/man/send.man,v
retrieving revision 1.7
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -r1.7 -r1.7.2.1
*** send.man 25 Jan 2001 21:15:59 -0000 1.7
--- send.man 28 Feb 2003 19:08:36 -0000
*** 41,44 ****
--- 41,46 ----
.RB [ \-version ]
.RB [ \-help ]
+ .RB [ \-attach
+ .IR header-field-name ]
*** 64,67 ****
--- 66,104 ----
are actually performed by
.BR post .
+ .PP
+ If a
+ .I header-field-name
+ is supplied using the
+ .B -attach
+ option, the draft is scanned for a header whose field name matches the
+ supplied
+ .IR header-field-name .
+ The draft is converted to a MIME message if one or more matches are found.
+ This conversion occurs before all other processing.
+ .PP
+ The first part of the MIME message is the draft body if that body contains
+ any non-blank characters.
+ The body of each header field whose name matches the
+ .I header-field-name
+ is interpreted as a file name, and each file named is included as a separate
+ part in the MIME message.
+ .PP
+ For file names with dot suffixes, the context is scanned for a
+ .I mhshow-suffix-
+ entry for that suffix.
+ The content-type for the part is taken from that context entry if a match is
+ found.
+ If no match is found or the file does not have a dot suffix, the content-type
+ is text/plain if the file contains only ASCII characters or
+ if it contains characters outside of the ASCII range.
+ .PP
+ Each part contains a name attribute that is the last component of the path
+ A
+ .I x-unix-mode
+ attribute containing the file mode accompanies each part.
+ Finally, a description attribute is generated by running the
+ .I file
+ command on the file.
Index: whatnow.man
RCS file: /cvsroot/nmh/nmh/man/whatnow.man,v
retrieving revision 1.6
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -r1.6 -r1.6.2.1
*** whatnow.man 25 Jan 2001 21:16:00 -0000 1.6
--- whatnow.man 28 Feb 2003 19:08:36 -0000
*** 23,26 ****
--- 23,28 ----
.RB [ \-version ]
.RB [ \-help ]
+ .RB [ \-attach
+ .IR header-field-name ]
*** 46,61 ****
.RS 5
! .TP \w'refilezzfolderz'u
.B edit
re\-edit using the same editor that was used on the
preceding round unless a profile entry
\*(lq<lasteditor>\-next: <editor>\*(rq names an alternate editor
! .TP \w'refilezzfolderz'u
.B edit <editor>
invoke <editor> for further editing
! .TP \w'refilezzfolderz'u
.B refile +folder
refile the draft into the given folder
! .TP \w'refilezzfolderz'u
.B mime
process the draft as MIME composition file using
--- 48,63 ----
.RS 5
! .TP \w'refilezzzzfolderz'u
.B edit
re\-edit using the same editor that was used on the
preceding round unless a profile entry
\*(lq<lasteditor>\-next: <editor>\*(rq names an alternate editor
! .TP \w'refilezzzzfolderz'u
.B edit <editor>
invoke <editor> for further editing
! .TP \w'refilezzzzfolderz'u
.B refile +folder
refile the draft into the given folder
! .TP \w'refilezzzzfolderz'u
.B mime
process the draft as MIME composition file using
*** 65,100 ****
.RB ( mhbuild
by default)
! .TP \w'refilezzfolderz'u
.B display
list the message being distributed/replied\-to
on the terminal
! .TP \w'refilezzfolderz'u
.B list
list the draft on the terminal
! .TP \w'refilezzfolderz'u
.B send
send the message
! .TP \w'refilezzfolderz'u
.B send \-watch
send the message and monitor the delivery process
! .TP \w'refilezzfolderz'u
.B push
send the message in the background
! .TP \w'refilezzfolderz'u
.B whom
list the addresses that the message will go to
! .TP \w'refilezzfolderz'u
.B whom \-check
list the addresses and verify that they are
acceptable to the transport service
! .TP \w'refilezzfolderz'u
.B quit
preserve the draft and exit
! .TP \w'refilezzfolderz'u
.B quit \-delete
delete the draft and exit
! .TP \w'refilezzfolderz'u
.B delete
delete the draft and exit
--- 67,120 ----
.RB ( mhbuild
by default)
! .TP \w'refilezzzzfolderz'u
.B display
list the message being distributed/replied\-to
on the terminal
! .TP \w'refilezzzzfolderz'u
.B list
list the draft on the terminal
! .TP \w'refilezzzzfolderz'u
.B send
send the message
! .TP \w'refilezzzzfolderz'u
.B send \-watch
send the message and monitor the delivery process
! .TP \w'refilezzzzfolderz'u
.B push
send the message in the background
! .TP \w'refilezzzzfolderz'u
.B whom
list the addresses that the message will go to
! .TP \w'refilezzzzfolderz'u
.B whom \-check
list the addresses and verify that they are
acceptable to the transport service
! .TP \w'refilezzzzfolderz'u
.B quit
preserve the draft and exit
! .TP \w'refilezzzzfolderz'u
.B quit \-delete
delete the draft and exit
! .TP \w'refilezzzzfolderz'u
.B delete
delete the draft and exit
+ .TP \w'refilezzzzfolderz'u
+ .B cd directory
+ use the directory when interpreting attachment file names
+ .TP \w'refilezzzzfolderz'u
+ .B pwd
+ print the working directory for attachment files
+ .TP \w'refilezzzzfolderz'u
+ .B ls [ls-options]
+ list files in the attachment working directory using the ls command
+ .TP \w'refilezzzzfolderz'u
+ .B attach files
+ add the named files to the draft as MIME attachments
+ .TP \w'refilezzzzfolderz'u
+ .B alist [-ln]
+ list the MIME attachments, either short, long [-l] or numbered [-n]
+ .TP \w'refilezzzzfolderz'u
+ .B detach [-n] files-or-numbers
+ remove MIME attachments, either by file name or by number with -n
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- [Nmh-commits] CVS: nmh/man Makefile.in,1.14, anno.man,1.6, install-mh.man,1.5, nmh.man,1.5, send.man,1.7, whatnow.man,1.6,,
Jon Steinhart <address@hidden> <=