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Re: Scan all folders for unseen messages

From: Conrad Hughes
Subject: Re: Scan all folders for unseen messages
Date: Thu, 26 Dec 2019 18:31:20 +0000

Hi aalinovi,

> Is there any way to scan all folders at once to determine which have new
> unseen messages or am I reduced to going into each folder individually
> in which case I may scrap procmail and just have everything go into
> inbox?

This might work for you:

  flists -rec -noshowzero -sequence unseen

.. the "-sequence unseen" may be unnecessary for you, not sure: I've
changed my unseen-sequence to "un", so may not be representative.

Check the man page, but the switches are fairly obvious: -rec descends
to all folders and subfolders, and -noshowzero stops it from listing
folders with no unseen items.


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