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Re: [Nuxeo-localizer] Traceback from LocalPropertyManager.get_default_l

From: Greg Ward
Subject: Re: [Nuxeo-localizer] Traceback from LocalPropertyManager.get_default_language()
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2003 09:55:52 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.3i

[me, trying to figure out what's causing a traceback in Localizer]
>So who's at fault here?  Have I failed to initialize things properly,
>ie. should LocDefaultDublinCoreImpl (which is the object at fault here,
>I think) be doing something to ensure that either or both of
>_default_language or _languages is set?  Or is LocalPropertyManager
>failing to account for the "brand-new object" case?

[Juan David Ibáñez Palomar replies]
> Sorry for the delay.
> Good question. Well, I have changed it in the branch-1-0,
> now it will return None, I think this won't break anything
> else, but I would appreciate if you test it.

Unfortunately, my priority right now is to Get Things Working, elegance
be damned.  If I get a few minutes, I'll try to checkout the Localizer
code from CVS (that's what you're asking, right?) and give it a try, but
no promises.

Anyways, I kludged around the problem in the class that's closest to
Localizer but still under my control:

  class LocDublinCoreImpl(LocalPropertyManager, DefaultDublinCoreImpl):
      def __init__(self, ...):
          self._languages = ("en", "fr",) # XXX should come from Localizer
          self._default_language = "fr"   # XXX this too

Needless to say: blecchhh!  Presumably these values should come from the
Localizer instance in my Zope tree -- but they don't.  Is there
something I have to do to ensure my LocalPropertyManager subclass gets
those values from the Localizer instance?

Thanks --

Greg Ward <address@hidden>               
Never put off till tomorrow what you can avoid all together.

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