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Re: [Octal-dev] Fourier Transforms and samples

From: n_nelson
Subject: Re: [Octal-dev] Fourier Transforms and samples
Date: Fri, 19 May 2000 15:09:14 -0700

  Steve Mosher wrote:

  [ I've been thinking about the pitch-scaling / time-dilation issues,
  [ and learning some cool stuff about math at the same time. Perform-
  [ ing Short-Time Fourier Transform on each sample played causes per-
  [ formance problems,  but is the bulk of it in the transform itself?
  [ Or is reassembly similarly intense? I'm going to look at the reas-
  [ sembly process more closely, so I can see this for myself. Anyhow,
  [ what I'm getting at is this: would it be worth it to store select-
  [ ed samples as transformed?  Less work would have to be done in re-
  [ al-time...   in fact, all STFT compliant machines could neglect to
  [ reassemble their data between one-another.  Regardless, the signal
  [ must only be transformed once, and reassembled once, which is good
  [ in situations where you want to (say) scale the pitch, then put it
  [ through a freq-filter.

  [ Does this work out well, or am I missing something?

  Do you mean by performance: the processing time required (most like-
  ly), or the resulting audio quality?

  But before going onto these questions,  it appears that you have im-
  plemented or found an STFT implementation. If this is code/software,
  where can it be found?

  In terms  of speed,  if only the generating  phase  (reverse Fourier
  Transform)  from a predetermined  Fourier description could be used,
  the forward  transform phase could be avoided.   The STFT method de-
  scribed (thanks to your previous web reference) on

  (1) cnmat.CNMAT.Berkeley.EDU/~alan/MS-html/MSv2.html#RTFToC2

  obtains a spectrum  of Fourier partials  for each FFT block (and ac-
  cording  to the several parameters used for STFT selected for a sub-
  sequent reverse transform).  As can be seen under close scrutiny in

    Figure 5.   Spectral surface created  from the analysis of a short
    trumpet note

  there are a  succession  of  waves going  from left  to right,  each
  rising to a crest and then falling.   And then the time dimension is
  from back  to front  such that an STFT  block would be a  horizontal
  slice of the waves in Figure 5. The rising to a crest and falling of
  these frequency values is also shown in the tables on

  (2) www.dspdimension.com/html/pscalestft.html

  in section 4: About The Choice of Stride.

  The point  here is that if one  uses the raw  output  of the STFT as
  suggested  in (1) before attempting the additional precise frequency
  detection procedure  in (2),  the large number of frequencies in the
  sloping portions  of the cresting waves seen  in the figure from (1)
  will put an enormous computing load  on the reverse transform.   The
  additional  forward  transform work described  in (2)  to obtain the
  precise frequency  description  will be significantly  less  for the
  overall forward and reverse transform sequence and benefit a strate-
  gy use predetermined Fourier  descriptions as against attempting  to
  obtain them in a real-time manner.   Essentially, the reverse trans-
  form load is proportional  to the number of simultaneous frequencies
  to be generated. (2) also notes that the STFT needs to processing in
  a substantially overlapping manner (multiple FFTs per sample) to ob-
  tain a precise result and avoid _smearing_.

  As just suggested,  the forward  transform  process should provide a
  precise Fourier description  to minimize overall processing time but
  will obtain a trade-off between processing time and precision of re-
  sult--as seen in the increase of FFTs per sample--to minimize Fouri-
  er description distortion (with respect to the original sound).

  But finally,  the STFT process will obtain a floor amount of distor-
  tion  (some necessary portion of distortion) because of the inherent
  block nature of the FFT.  This effect will be most apparent at high,
  transient  frequencies  (discussed  in the parameter  trade-offs  in

  As mentioned  by Davíð B. Franzson,  obtaining a precise Fourier de-
  scription in something close to real-time will require a significant
  computational ability. Fourier processing is highly parallel and may
  be pipelined,  such that I expect a Beowulf Cluster  would  approach
  the real-time  result.   A one  megahertz  Beowulf  node using AMD's
  Athlon is closing  in on $1,000.   This kind  of Fourier  processing
  equipment might be suitable for recording studios where the time re-
  quired to record and then playback would minimize the processing de-
  lay issue. The computationally intensive forward transform should be
  able provide a simplified,  precise Fourier  description  within the
  record  to playback time delay  and such that the reverse  transform
  could be processed in real time.  Or is someone already doing this?

  Neil Nelson address@hidden

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