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[Octave-bug-tracker] [bug #42036] Umlaut in file name or folder name not

From: Armin Müller
Subject: [Octave-bug-tracker] [bug #42036] Umlaut in file name or folder name not handled correctly
Date: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 09:32:10 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:28.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/28.0


                 Summary: Umlaut in file name or folder name not handled
                 Project: GNU Octave
            Submitted by: arm_in
            Submitted on: Do 03 Apr 2014 09:32:09 GMT
                Category: GUI
                Severity: 3 - Normal
                Priority: 5 - Normal
              Item Group: None
                  Status: None
             Assigned to: None
         Originator Name: 
        Originator Email: 
             Open/Closed: Open
         Discussion Lock: Any
                 Release: 3.8.1
        Operating System: Microsoft Windows



There are some special issues when using "Umlaut" characters on a German
keyboard. Running Octave 3.8.1 under Windows 7 x64 German edition

Let's say we are actually in the folder "D:\Octave" and there is a subfolder

1) In the file browser, "München" will be displayed correctly.

2) Some translated texts contain Umlaut characters. OK.

3) When double-clicking on the name "München", the message "error:
D:/Octave/M**nchen: No such file or directory" will appear.

(** = garbled text, looks like Unicode)

According to the file browser, the directory has been successfully changed.

According to the "Current Directory" line, the current directory is still

Same with "pwd" answer.

4) When trying to enter "cd 'München'" in the command window by hand, the
Umlaut "ü" will be replaced by a verical bar '|'.

Actually, a limited num

ä => d
Ä => D
ö => v
Ö => V
ü => |
Ü => \
° => 0 (degree symbol)
´ => 4 (acute accent)

5) Getting the Umlaut via copy & paste from an external ANSI editor is not
pssible, either.

6) Messages in the command history get garbled. For example, the time stamp
"Mitteleuropäische Zeit" after starting octave GUI is reading
"Mitteleurop?ische Zeit".


File Attachments:

Date: Do 03 Apr 2014 09:32:09 GMT  Name: AD1 - file browser - AD2 tooltip.png 
Size: 53kB   By: arm_in

Date: Do 03 Apr 2014 09:32:09 GMT  Name: AD4 - enter by hand.png  Size: 51kB  
By: arm_in

Date: Do 03 Apr 2014 09:32:09 GMT  Name: AD3 - double click.png  Size: 56kB  
By: arm_in

Date: Do 03 Apr 2014 09:32:09 GMT  Name: AD6 - history window.png  Size: 55kB 
 By: arm_in



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