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[Octave-bug-tracker] [bug #57449] struct2hdl fails to set property with

From: Rik
Subject: [Octave-bug-tracker] [bug #57449] struct2hdl fails to set property with erroneous "invalid value"
Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2019 12:12:09 -0500 (EST)
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko

Follow-up Comment #1, bug #57449 (project octave):

Separate from whether struct2hdl should ignore an element which has errors
during creation, the cause of this particular failure are the allowed values
for the "FontWeight" property.

Matlab has deprecated and removed "demi" and "light", which leaves allowable
values of "normal" or "bold".  See documentation at

Octave has followed Matlab's behavior in order to remain compatible.  In the
NEWS file for what will become the Octave 6 release there is this statemnt:

### Removed functions and properties

The following functions and properties were deprecated in Octave 4.4
and have been removed from Octave 6.

- Functions

  Function             | Replacement
  `chop`               | `sprintf` for visual results
  `desktop`            | `isguirunning`
  `tmpnam`             | `tempname`
  `toascii`            | `double`
  `java2mat`           | `__java2mat__`

- Properties

  Object               | Property                  | Value
  `annotation`         | `edgecolor ("rectangle")` |
  `axes`               | `drawmode`                |
  `figure`             | `doublebuffer`            |
                       | `mincolormap`             |
                       | `wvisual`                 |
                       | `wvisualmode`             |
                       | `xdisplay`                |
                       | `xvisual`                 |
                       | `xvisualmode`             |
  `line`               | `interpreter`             |
  `patch`              | `interpreter`             |
  `surface`            | `interpreter`             |
  `text`               | `fontweight`              | `"demi"` and `"light"`
  `uibuttongroup`      | `fontweight`              | `"demi"` and `"light"`
  `uicontrol`          | `fontweight`              | `"demi"` and `"light"`
  `uipanel`            | `fontweight`              | `"demi"` and `"light"`
  `uitable`            | `fontweight`              | `"demi"` and `"light"`


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