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[Octave-bug-tracker] [bug #63524] dir / glob not listing directories in

From: Nicholas Jankowski
Subject: [Octave-bug-tracker] [bug #63524] dir / glob not listing directories in some cases !
Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2022 21:36:48 -0500 (EST)

Follow-up Comment #5, bug #63524 (project octave):

ok.  by itself, glob is not recursive.

glob ('*.m') gives me all of the m files in the same folder.

glob ('**\*.m') appears to recurse one level deep.  so for example, in my
project folder:

>> ls
octave-statistics  pkg  repelem  scatteredInterpolant  temp

all have m files, but only repelem and scatteredInterpolant have m files one
level down. So:

>> glob('*.m')
ans = {}(0x0)

>> glob('**/*.m')
ans =
  [1,1] = repelem\repelem.m
  [2,1] = scatteredInterpolant\TriScatteredInterp.m
  [3,1] = scatteredInterpolant\delaunayn.m
  [4,1] = scatteredInterpolant\extraptest.m
  [5,1] = scatteredInterpolant\find_convex_vis_pts.m
  [6,1] = scatteredInterpolant\scatteredInterpolant.m
  [7,1] = scatteredInterpolant\testHDR.m

I'm not familiar with "filename globbing patterns .. as used by the Unix
shells" so unless that pattern with glob is expected to do full recursion,
this seems to be behaving okay


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