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[Octave-bug-tracker] [bug #46337] help reports 'feedback' function not i

From: Markus Mützel
Subject: [Octave-bug-tracker] [bug #46337] help reports 'feedback' function not implemented, help '@lti/feedback' works
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2024 11:00:15 -0500 (EST)

Follow-up Comment #16, bug#46337 (group octave):

@Dmitri: That is a very good hint.

It looks like the string is converted twice from Latin-1 to UTF-8 for me:

octave:1> str = __unimplemented__ ("matlabrc")
str = âmatlabrcâ is not implemented.  Octave uses the file â.octavercâ
octave:2> double(str)
ans =

 Columns 1 through 25:

   195   162   194   128   194   152   109    97   116   108    97    98   114
   99   195   162   194   128   194   153    32   105   115    32   110

 Columns 26 through 50:

   111   116    32   105   109   112   108   101   109   101   110   116   101
  100    46    32    32    79    99   116    97   118   101    32   117

 Columns 51 through 75:

   115   101   115    32   116   104   101    32   102   105   108   101    32
  195   162   194   128   194   152    46   111    99   116    97   118

 Columns 76 through 93:

   101   114    99   195   162   194   128   194   153    10   105   110   115
  116   101    97   100    46

I'm currently not working in a clean build environment. Maybe, something is

I'll try and set-up a clean environment. Let's see if that "fixes" the issue.


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