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[Octave-bug-tracker] [bug #65167] Graphic object property docs need to b

From: Nicholas Jankowski
Subject: [Octave-bug-tracker] [bug #65167] Graphic object property docs need to be updated for numerous property changes
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2024 17:46:41 -0500 (EST)

Follow-up Comment #1, bug#65167 (group octave):

attached is a spreadsheet with the current state of properties for all of the
graphics object types. first patch for root/figure/axes will try to provide
definitions for any that say 'no definition' as well as check the state of
those marked unused / unimplemented. 

one item of concern is the Legend column.  I realize for us a Legend is just
another axes handle, but there are a lot of properties that seem like they
should be present for legend that are not (creating a legend then diving down
to the legend handle and going a get shows a lot of properties not listed on
that page ,including most of the 'base' properties.). is genpropdoc generating
the legend list correctly? if someone more familiar with the object itself?

(file #55575)


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File name: graphic_props_list.ods         Size:9 KB


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