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[Octave-bug-tracker] [bug #66739] Reset Zoom is failing when at atomic l
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anonymous |
Subject: |
[Octave-bug-tracker] [bug #66739] Reset Zoom is failing when at atomic level sizes. Works usually 8.4.0 |
Date: |
Thu, 30 Jan 2025 14:33:50 -0500 (EST) |
Summary: Reset Zoom is failing when at atomic level sizes.
Works usually 8.4.0
Group: GNU Octave
Submitter: None
Submitted: Thu 30 Jan 2025 07:33:46 PM UTC
Category: Plotting
Severity: 3 - Normal
Priority: 5 - Normal
Item Group: Other
Status: None
Assigned to: None
Originator Name: TJ Fidler
Originator Email: a3a04078@telus.net
Open/Closed: Open
Discussion Lock: Any
Release: 9.2.0
Operating System: Microsoft Windows
Fixed Release: None
Planned Release: None
Follow-up Comments:
Date: Thu 30 Jan 2025 07:33:46 PM UTC By: Anonymous
The following code that uses Reset Zoom usually works in GNU Octave 8.4.0,
Windows 10, but more often than not working in 9.2.0 or 9.3.0. Perhaps because
of the atomic scale :
fixed_limits = [-5.0e-11, 5.0e-11, -5.0e-11, 5.0e-11];
When moved the limits in the figure axis change to -6.0e9 to 6.0e9 versus
% Define radii and angles for the polar grid
polar_r_min = r_min; % Minimum radius
polar_r_max = r_max; % Maximum radius
polar_radii = polar_r_min:r_steps:polar_r_max; % Define radii based on the min
and max
polar_angles = 0:radial_change_deg:360; % Define angular divisions
% Create a matrix for visualization
polar_density_matrix = zeros(length(polar_radii), length(polar_angles)-1);
for i = 1:polar_deg_length
for j = 1:polar_radial_width
polar_density_matrix(j, i) = dataPolar1Array{i, j}(3); % Extract
density values
% Create Figure 3
set(gcf, 'Position', [750, 100, 600, 440]); % Set position of the first
hold on;
% Find maximum density value for normalization
max_density = max(cellfun(@(x) x(3), dataPolar1Array(:)));
% Fill polar regions based on `dataPolar1Array` densities
for i = 1:polar_deg_length
for j = 1:polar_radial_width
% Extract density value for the current region
density_value = dataPolar1Array{i, j}(3);
if density_value > 0
% Normalize density value to [0, 1]
normalized_density = density_value / max_density;
% Get the corners of the region
r1 = r_min + (j * r_steps); % Outer radius
r0 = r1 - r_steps; % Inner radius
theta_start = deg2rad((i-1) * radial_change_deg); % Start angle
theta_end = deg2rad(i * radial_change_deg); % End angle
% Define the region coordinates for smooth curves
theta_region = linspace(theta_start, theta_end, 100);
x_region = [r0 * cos(theta_region), fliplr(r1 *
y_region = [r0 * sin(theta_region), fliplr(r1 *
% Fill the region with a color proportional to normalized density
fill(x_region, y_region, [0, 0, normalized_density], 'EdgeColor',
'none'); % Blue gradient
% Draw the polar grid
% Concentric circles
for r = polar_radii
theta_grid = linspace(0, 2 * pi, 360); % Full circle
x_grid = r * cos(theta_grid);
y_grid = r * sin(theta_grid);
plot(x_grid, y_grid, 'k'); % Plot the circles
% Radial lines
for theta = deg2rad(polar_angles)
x_line = [0, polar_r_max * cos(theta)];
y_line = [0, polar_r_max * sin(theta)];
plot(x_line, y_line, 'k'); % Plot the lines
% Set fixed axis limits to [-5.0e-11, 5.0e-11]
fixed_limits = [-5.0e-11, 5.0e-11, -5.0e-11, 5.0e-11];
set(gca, 'XLim', fixed_limits(1:2), 'YLim', fixed_limits(3:4)); % Enforce axis
limits explicitly
daspect([1 1 1]); % Keep equal aspect ratio
grid on;
xlabel('X (m)');
ylabel('Y (m)');
title('Polar Grid with DataPolar1Array Densities');
% Add a reset button to restore axis limits
uicontrol('Style', 'pushbutton', 'String', 'Reset Zoom', ...
'Position', [30, 20, 120, 30], ...
'Callback', @(src, event) set(gca, 'XLim', fixed_limits(1:2), 'YLim',
% Add a resize function to enforce axis limits when the figure is resized
set(gcf, 'resizefcn', @(src, event) set(gca, 'XLim', fixed_limits(1:2),
'YLim', fixed_limits(3:4)));
hold off;
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- [Octave-bug-tracker] [bug #66739] Reset Zoom is failing when at atomic level sizes. Works usually 8.4.0,
anonymous <=