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Octave 2.1.61 - Cygwin - kpathsea errors

From: jswensen
Subject: Octave 2.1.61 - Cygwin - kpathsea errors
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2004 08:36:15 -0700
User-agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) 3.1 / FreeBSD-4.8

I just compiled Octave 2.1.61 with Cygwin using the GCC 3.4.2 compiler with the
following options:

./configure --disable-static --enable-shared

It compiled fine, but when I try to run it, I get the following errors.

warning: : Unrecognized variable construct `$@'
warning: : Unrecognized variable construct `$
warning: : Unrecognized variable construct `$%'
warning: : Unrecognized variable construct `$@'
warning: : Unrecognized variable construct `$
warning: : Unrecognized variable construct `$%'
warning: kpathsea: variable `' references itself (eventually)
warning: : Unrecognized variable construct `$▲'
***(This continues for multiple pages)***

I started searching through the sources and found that this error occurs in
kpathsea and has something to do with interpreting environment variables, but
didn't have the time to dig enough to find out why it is occuring.

As a side note, a plain './configure' works fine, but I need the ability to use
mkoctfile, so the --enable-shared is necessary.

Has anyone seen this problem and knows how to fix it?  Any help would be greatly

John Swensen
jswensen at intergate (*) com

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