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adopting functions from Octave-forge

From: John W. Eaton
Subject: adopting functions from Octave-forge
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 12:12:43 -0400

Is anyone maintaining a list of functions that have been moved from
Octave to Octave-forge?  If so, where is it kept?  I'd like to add to
it as more functions are adopted.

Ignoring sparse functions, we currently have the following overlap:

  builtin   dispatch       hankel    mu2lin     randn       struct  
  cellstr   dispatch_help  isa       ndims      rmfield     tf2zp           
  char      double         isequal   orient     setdiff     toeplitz
  chol      fieldnames     isfield   polyder    sortrows    tril          
  complex   full           ismember  polyderiv  str2double  triu          
  deal      gammaln        issparse  polygcd    strcmpi     unique  
  detrend   gammaln        isunix    print      strmatch    unix          
  dispatch  grid           lin2mu    rand       strncmp     zp2tf   

Some of these may still be different in Octave-forge, so the list
should also keep the current status of the function so that we don't
end up with two diverging versions of each of these.


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