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Can't change line styles for plots

From: John W. Eaton
Subject: Can't change line styles for plots
Date: Thu, 1 Feb 2007 05:34:33 -0500

On 31-Jan-2007, Søren Hauberg wrote:

|    In the current CVS (after the merge from the graphics branch) I can 
| no longer set the style of plots. If I run
|    plot(sin(0:0.1:pi), str)
| I get a red curve drawn with a solid line no matter what value I choose 
| for "str". I have tried with 'g', 'b', 'k', '*', '@' and they all result 
| in the same red solid curve.
|    I have the same problem with plot3. If I run
|    plot3(rand(1,100), rand(1,100), rand(1,100), str)
| I get a solid curve with an uncontrollable color. If "str" is '*' or '@' 
| I still get solid curves.

[I'm moving this from the bugs list to the maintainers list.]

I checked in some changes to fix these problems.  I think the
situation is generally improved now, but some of the old format
strings are no longer handled, and you must now have a gnuplot that
can handle RGB color specifications for line colors.  I'm not sure
that we really want to force people to be using a version of gnuplot
that is not (or is it?) released yet, but I don't see any way to
handle Matlab-style line colors with the limited and terminal
dependent line types that are available in earlier versions.

But anyway, now you should be able to do things like

  plot (rand(10,1), "r;red;");          # specify colors and labels
  plot (rand(10,1), "g;green;");

  plot (rand(10,10));                   # cycle through a set of colors

  newplot ();                           # clear plot window

  line (1:10, rand(10,1), "color", [1,0,0]);  # set colors with prop/val pairs

  obj = line (1:10, rand(10,1));                # create a grahpics object
  set (obj, "color", [1,0,0], "linewidth", 5);  # set some properties


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