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Patch for new plotting system (Windows)

From: michael . goffioul
Subject: Patch for new plotting system (Windows)
Date: Thu, 08 Feb 2007 13:13:18 +0100

This patch makes use of gnuplot_binary() and gnuplot_use_title_option()
in the same way as __gnuplot_raw__. This is required with Gnuplot
for windows.
Index: scripts/plot/drawnow.m
RCS file: /cvs/octave/scripts/plot/drawnow.m,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -c -p -r1.2 drawnow.m
*** scripts/plot/drawnow.m      30 Jan 2007 19:16:53 -0000      1.2
--- scripts/plot/drawnow.m      8 Feb 2007 12:12:25 -0000
*************** function drawnow (term, file)
*** 37,43 ****
      plot_stream = f.__plot_stream__;
      if (isempty (plot_stream))
!       plot_stream = popen (sprintf ("gnuplot -title \\"Figure %d\\"", h), "w");
        if (plot_stream < 0)
        error ("drawnow: failed to open connection to gnuplot");
--- 37,47 ----
      plot_stream = f.__plot_stream__;
      if (isempty (plot_stream))
!       if (gnuplot_use_title_option ())
!         plot_stream = popen (sprintf ("%s -title \\"Figure %d\\"", gnuplot_binary (), h), "w");
!       else
!         plot_stream = popen (sprintf ("%s", gnuplot_binary ()), "w");
!       endif
        if (plot_stream < 0)
        error ("drawnow: failed to open connection to gnuplot");

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