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Re: handle graphics (was Re: 2.9.10, finally?)

From: Shai Ayal
Subject: Re: handle graphics (was Re: 2.9.10, finally?)
Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2007 22:13:48 +0200

How should we refer to it then, if "handle graphics" is taken? Object graphics?


On 2/8/07, John W. Eaton < address@hidden> wrote:
On  8-Feb-2007, Shai Ayal wrote:

| On 2/8/07, Daniel J Sebald < address@hidden> wrote:
| >
| > A few bugs.  Attached is a simple oversight.  A bigger problem is that a
| > subplot(2,1,1)/subplot(2,1,2) script isn't working on the first pass.  On
| > the first pass only the first of the two plots appears.  Second time
| > rerunning the script the second plot shows up.
| >
| > I don't seem to get a key with the commands:
| >
| > set(fig1,"visible","off")
| > set(get(fig1,"children")(1),"key","on")
| > set(get(fig1,"children")(1),"keypos",2)
| > set(fig1,"visible","on")
| >
| > The print() works OK, but there is no "pslatex" option.  (The script seems
| > to process as though a file is being created, but no such file shows up for
| > the pslatex option.)  Something I use a great deal.
| >
| > Certainly this will make a lot of people happy...  I'm still a little
| > apprehensive about programming get,get,get,set or set(get(get(get()))) for
| > half an hour or more.  But that's just me.
| >
| > Here's an example of what I'm talking about with having the ability to
| > access raw gnuplot commands.  What I'm testing out with the handle graphics
| > is attempting to line one plot right above another where the x axes are the
| > same.  First, to ensure the plots have the exact same size I'd do a:
| >
| > %__gnuplot_raw__("set lmargin 1\n");
| > %__gnuplot_raw__("set bmargin 0\n");
| >
| > Since one of the x tick text is extraneous I'd turn that off with:
| >
| > %__gnuplot_raw__("set format x ""\n");
| I don't think that sort of thing is possible, easily with handle graphics.
| Well, In matlab the way to do it in handle graphics is to set each axes'
| position so that they are one above the other and then set(ax1,"xticks",[]).
| I'm not sure if this actually works in the current handle graphics code

Since "handle graphics" is a MathWorks trademark, please avoid using
it to describe the plotting system in Octave.

No, positioning doesn't work in the current Octave plotting code.

I've said several times now that the current code is just a temporary
solution.  The old system was becoming unmanageable and the current
code was my way to start digging out of the mess.  We all know it is
not perfect.  But it is a start at something better.  Have some



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