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Re: saveing/loading symbol table of annymous functions

From: John W. Eaton
Subject: Re: saveing/loading symbol table of annymous functions
Date: Wed, 16 May 2007 10:58:15 -0400

On 16-May-2007, David Bateman wrote:

| Ok, I checked the patch in (with a minor change so that "make check"
| runs correctly).

Thanks.  I also made my changes to load_path.  While doing that, I

  // Next just search for it anywhere in the
  // system path
  string_vector names(3);
  names(0) = fname + ".oct";
  names(1) = fname + ".mex";
  names(2) = fname + ".m";

  dir_path p (load_path::system_path ());

  str = octave_env::make_absolute 
    (p.find_first_of (names), octave_env::getcwd ())

Why not seaarch the entire load path?  Also, maybe this functionality
(searching just the system directories) should be an option for the
load_path::find_X functions?


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