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Re: XMLToolbox 0.3

From: Thomas Geiger
Subject: Re: XMLToolbox 0.3
Date: Sat, 26 May 2007 22:58:01 +0200

Hello Alois,

at first thank you for spending the time looking at it and providing feedback ;)

On 26/05/07, Alois Schloegl < address@hidden> wrote:

Hello Tom,

Here is some feedback on your XMLToolbox 0.3. I was able to install it
without much hazzles (using Debian Etch and installed libxerces27-dev).
Besides running make (as described by readme.txt), I had to copy the
liboctavexml.o and liboctavexml.so into /lib/.
Maybe, this (or an alternative solution) should be mentioned in
readme.txt, too.

There's a bug in the Makefile, so the .so references to the .o, will be fixed in the next version.
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.// would be an alternative.

I added it to the readme. If you've got the privileges (aka root), 'make install' will put the libraries
to /usr/lib and the headers to link against to /usr/include/octavexml.

Then, running "make runtests" started octave with this warning
> Parsing this format is not supported (yet).
> warning: function name `runtests' does not agree with function file
> name `/home/schloegl/matlab/other/octave_xmltoolbox/test/runtests.m'
> xml toolbox functional tests
> testing xml_format
> testing xml_save
> testing xml_load
> testing xml_parse
> finished

I did not investigate, why this warning occurred, I just ignored it.

This warning is okay, its from octave and doesn't affect the quality of the code to test.

Next, I tried to test it on the example file '2003-12
Schema/example/Example aECG.xml'  in this zip.file:

and got the following results:

octave2.1:3> fn = '/home/schloegl/projects/scphl7aecg/2003-12
Schema/example/Example aECG.xml';
octave2.1:4> fid =fopen(fn,'r');
octave2.1:5> s = char(fread(fid,[1,inf],'char'));
octave2.1:6> fclose(fid);
octave2.1:7> H2 = xml_parseany(s);
Parsing this format is not supported (yet).

Yes I understand. You try to import _any_ XML. Currently the parser only supports the format of the GEODISE compatible (aka the 'typed') format.
The parsing of any XML is what I'm currently working at - hopefully being released during the next week.Your file seems to be good for testing.

Kind regards,

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